
From Electrosphere

[edit] Starting Off (1987)

After the state of North-East Belka broke away from the Belkan Federation and became independent, in 1987, the land was known as the FATO Nations. Recta, though not an official country, was a part of the FATO Nations.

[edit] The Rectan War (1988)

During a period of Belka’s expansionism Recta had come under attack. This conflict is reffered to as the "Rectan War". The Belkan Air Force had aimed most of their Operations towards Recta in an attempt to knock out the “Rectan Liberation Front”; the main Rectan Ground Force. However, the small Rectan Air Force was fending off the Belkan Fighters for months on end. The Rectan Air Force did not have a number advantage, but their pilots were some of the best in the world at the time.

Belkan High Command decided to send out their most experienced unit at the time, to destroy the Rectan Air Force; mainly at Mt. Mainz near Calle City. The 126th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 51st Air Division, known as the “Silber” Squadron was lead by the Top Belkan Ace at that time: Lieutenant Colonel Dietrich Kellerman.

Calle City, near Mt. Mainz was the main encampment of the Rectan Liberation Front and was constantly under attack by Belkan Forces, but the Rectan Air Force had continued to stop all Belkan attempts to invade the city. The Silber Squadron arrived during the start of a Belkan push for Calle and after an amazing display of skill, the Rectan Fighters were defeated, the Rectan Ground Forces were destroyed and the City was taken.This took place near the end of the Rectan War; with the fall of Calle the Rectan Forces became disorganized and were eventually taken by the Belkan Military.

In 1991, the Sapin, Ustio and the FATO Nations were sold land from Belka. This land was used to form Gebet and Recta; making them official nations. Belkan Troops returned to Belka soon after this.

The Belkan War (1989 - 1995) After much civil unrest and a power change in Belka, things seemed as though they would calm on the Osean Continent. This was until Belka unexpectedly crossed it’s own borders with it’s full military force and pushed south, invading the newly formed country of Ustio, parts of Osea and much of Sapin. As they countries banded together, with support from Yuktobania across the Ocean, Recta was fortunate that they were not in the ‘cross-hairs’ of the Belkan Offensive. Recta did not partake in any large military operations.

[edit] Afterwards (1996)

Since the end of the Belkan War, Recta has done it’s best to stay out of any large conflicts or political disputes.


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