Port Patterson

From Electrosphere

Port Patterson is an Aurelian's important port which is located in the western coast of Aurelia, facing the Ceres Ocean. It is near to the Aubrey Air Base from the north. There is a full set of mountainous terrains surrounding the port. As a consequence of becoming valuable, Leasath Army had taken control the port from Aurelia during the war.

[edit] Leasath - Aurelia War (Op. ---)

Throughout the war, Leasath Army had taken over the port for their own purposes as of their attempt to win over Aurelia. In operation Prelude in the afternoon, Aurelia planned to take back their own port from Leasath's hand. Gryphus Squadron was assigned to do the job by destroying any sighted Leasath's fleet which stationed at the port. It was reported that Gryphus Squadron had successfully retaken the port.


Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (the game)

Official Ace Combat X Website by "Project Aces" -http://www.acecombat.jp/ace-x/index.htm

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