Basset Space Center

From Electrosphere

Basset Space Center - The "Bridge into Space". A long mass driver was built here to service the Arkbird while in orbit. It's overall length is an astounding Seven Miles long. There are also several launch towers to send up communication satellites to military satellites. The geography around the mass driver has mountainous terrain and is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. The mass driver is built upon a seven mile extention of the Southern Osea, which is possibly man-made.

[edit] Circum-Pacific War (Op. Silver Bridge)

The Wardog Squadron was dispatched to Basset Space Center in order to support the launch of SSTO Space Vehicle while on it's mission to deliver the Anti-Space Debris High Powered Laser to the Arkbird. Basset Space Center was attacked by multiple Yuktobanian C-130s with aerial tanks, battle tanks that were modified to use parachutes to touchdown. The Wardog Squadron engaged the tanks in the air and on the ground, in an attempt to maintain control over the main launch facility of the space center. After the failure of trying to control the mass driver, the Yuktobanian Forces decided to level the mass driver, with B-2 Stealth Bombers and multiple cruise missiles, to prevent a launch that would arm the Arkbird. This attack was also repelled, and the launch was successful, despite a direct hit to the SSTO during it's launch.


Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War (the game)

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