Bartolomeo Fortress

From Electrosphere

The Bartolomeo Fortress is a mountain fortification built inside of the Khesed island, and utilized by the occupying Estovakian military as a stronghold in their war against Emmeria.

[edit] Location

Mt. Marcello, Khesed, Emmeria

[edit] Information

Built on Mt. Marcello and the surrounding system of ridges and valleys, Bartolomeo Fortress is a sprawling fort in Center Khesed. There are two valleys that run north to south directly south of M. Marcello itself. The fortifications in the valleys consisted of staged defensive positions and fortifications, such as Bunkers and Howitzer positions, as well as railway bridges that supported armored attack trains. The Mountain itself served as the fortress's command center. Due to it's position and elevation, The Mt. Marcello area is the most strategically important position on Khesed, giving who ever controls it relative control of the island. Built by the Emmerians, the fortress fell to the Estovakians in their pursuit of the fleeing Emmerian forces who had evacuated Anea. After Estovakia's forward forces were defeated at Sipli Field, most of Estovakia's forces on the island fell back to defend that position. The Emmerian ground forces, encouraged by their success over the Estovakian's at Sipli, staged a daring assault on the fortified position, assisted by several squadrons (including Garuda Team) and the ESM support craft Snake Pit. Two battalions moved up the Valleys, supported by Air support, in the form of fighter jets and the ESM plane, then linked up to assault the Mountain's command center. Despite fierce resistance from the Estovakian ground forces and the Elite Ace Squadron, Strigon team, the Emmerian's were able to take the fortress, cementing their control over Khesed.

[edit] SOURCE

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation

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