Avalon Dam

From Electrosphere

The geography of the Mund Valley area, near Anfang, supports that glaciation once formed the valley. The wide valley floor and the almost 'U' shape of the valley supports this evidence. The geology of the Mund Valley is a mixture of sedimentary fragments, from the glaciation period, and metamorphic rocks that make up the surrounding mountains. Their is no evidence of tectonic or volcanic activity in the surrounding area.

[edit] Background Information

The Avalon, or Mund Valley, Dam, was built in the North Belkan Mund Valley, in the early 90's. The Belkan government built the Facility under the auspice of a hydro-electrical dam, but in actuallity, it was a clandestine Missile testing facility. When the reservoir behind the dam was filled, the facility was hidden beneath the waters.

The V2 was a MIRV Missile with Eight warheads per missile, each with Nuclear yeilds in the Megatons. After the destruction of Excaliber, the Belkans ramped up the development of the V2, but it was too little, too late. Lack of material wrecked havok on the project, as more realistic commanders sent their supplies to more short term endevours. The weapon was only half completed by early June.

On June 6th, everything changed. The Belkan detenation of V1 nuclear bombs on there own soil shocked the world, and there were cries for Arms reduction from all sides. Knowing that the war was lost, and there was absolutely no chance of them keeping nuclear weapons, Belka tried to cover it's tracks by sealing some of it's remaining V1's in Mt. Schirim, as well as removing an experimental bomber from the facility adjacent to it. Avalon was abandonded, it's reservoir was filled to hide the work they had done there.

[edit] The Belkan War (Op. Point Blank)

Until "A World With No Boundries" took control of the facility. Lead by Anton "Dr." Kupchenko, who took part in designing the V2, A World With No Boundries restarted the V2 Project. Although it lacked the Idustrial might of the Belkan Economy, it made up for it by it's focusness, and by Mid december, the V2 was nearing completion.

On Christmas day, believing their objective was close to completion, A World With No Boundries let itself known, by deploying its Experimental Bomber to destroy all meaningful resistance. Although the raid was a disater, resulting in the destruction of the XB-0 and the Sapin Squadron guarding, the V2 project proceded on schedule.

On December 30th, A World With No Boundries drained the waters of the reservoir in preperation for the V2 launch that was to take place the next day. This immeaditely got the attention of the Allied command, who prepaired a Strike team, Lead by the now famous Galm Team, to take care of the insurrection, once and for all.

Although Galm Team defeated the squadron in the Round Table meant to keep them out of Avalon, they were able to hold them up long enough to conduct final launch preporations.

A World With No Boundries deployed an intensive Anti-Aircraft battery in the Mund valley, forcing the strike force to fly through the canyon, and even then, they took heavy castualites, but two planes made it through. It was Galm Team. The missile itself was untouchable, protected by the silo doors, but the barriers protecting the controls had been pulled back when the resevoir was drained. Frantically, AWWNB tried to close the doors, but it was too late, the controls were destroyed.

It seemed that the V2 was to remain there forever, when AWWNB's final ace, none other than Cipher's old Wingman, Pixy, appeared in the ADFX-02 Morgan, shot down Cipher's wingman, PJ, and restarted the V2 launch. In the middle of the duel between them, Pixy luanched the V2. Only when Pixy was shot down was the V2 destroyed, once and for all.

in 2005, Avalon appears to be abandoned, as the resevior is filled. on the bank of it, is a memorial to PJ, who is believed to be dead.


Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (the game)

Official Ace Combat Zero Website by "Project Aces" - http://www.acecombat.jp/ace-zero/top.htm

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