118th TFW Mobius

From Electrosphere

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General Information

The Independent State Allied Air Force 118th Tactical Fighter Wing 'Mobius' is featured in Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies and Operation Katina. Information about the 118th Tactical Fighter Wing's pilot roster is somewhat unconfirmable during the Usean Continental War, however, ISAF Aces of Aces, Mobius One is believed to be the only confirmed member of the 'Mobius Squadron' at the start of the ISAF Counter-Attack.


The Mobius squadron was officially formed on September 26th, 2005 before the last battle of the Usean Continental War; The Battle of Megalith. The Squadron was operational through out the entire war and had completed every mission with outstanding results. The ISAF's Ace of Aces, Mobius One, was a part of the unit since their first mission on September 18th, 2004. Due to his amazing accomplishments and the noteable actions of the squadron he was embeded in, they were offically called the "Mobius Squadron" by ISAF GHQ. Mobius One's callsign had become the name of the entire squadron because of his actions.

After the Usean Continental War, the Mobius Squadron was ordered to patrol the unstable Provisonal Erusia in order to discourage any resistance from extremeists or rouge Erusian Soilders. However, conflict did break out once again and the ISAF sent Mobius One, by himself, into combat. The new Erusian threat was neutralized.

Mobius Roster (Sept. 26th, 2005)


Mobius One, Mobius Two, Mobius Three, Mobius Four, Mobius Five, Mobius Six, Mobius Seven, Mobius Eight, Mobius Nine, Mobius Thirteen.

Mobius One

Nationality: unknown

The Independent State Allied Forces Top Ace. His aircraft of choice is the Raptor.

On the first mission Mobius One single handedly shot down Six Tu-95 Bear Bombers, along with many of their escorts at Newfield Island. After that Mobius One continued to preform unbelieveably well in combat operations afterwards.

He is also a credited for the destruction of the Super Weapons Stonehenge and Megalith. He also is the first pilot to shoot down a member of the world renouned and feared Erusian Ace Pilot Unit, the 156th TFW Aquila known as "The Yellow Squadron". By the end of the war he had destroyed every member of the Yellow Squadron, effectively disbanding the unit.

Mobius One was a part of the 118th TFW through out the entire war, but during Operation Judgement Day the entire Squadron official had adopted his callsign and became "The Mobius Squadron". While this officialy the "Mobius" Squadron's last mission. It is the first under the name of Mobius.

In 2006, he returned to Erusea to defeat the last of Erusian extremists calling themselves "Free Erusea". Only Mobius One and AWACS Sky Eye were sent and together they effectively crushed the resistance putting a halt to their operations. After the Usean Continental War it was discovered that Mobius One's combat ability rivaled that of an entire ISAF Squadron.

During the last battle, Mobius One was engaged by multiple X-02 Switchblades, said to be the best fighter in the world at the time. Despite this he managed to destroy them and RTB.

Since then, he has disappeared somewhere in the USEA. Many believe that if the country is ever in danger once again, Mobius One will rise from the shadows and go into battle again.

Mobius One is most likely, one of the most famous pilots in the world.


Nationality: unknown

AWACS Sky Eye commonly worked with the 118TFW since their first official mission. Since then he had supported them directly for every operation they had ever taken on. In 2006, he and Mobius One had been dispatched to destroy a new Erusian movement/group, known as "Free Erusea". Since then AWACS Sky Eye has continued ISAF Operations.


Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies

Ace Combat 05: The Unsung War - Arcade Mode

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