Relic Armor
From Ecodex
Relic Stones
Relic Armor can be found in little tiny wooden boxes that drop off Trash mobs in Labs, Lyceum, and Deathtoll. Its has a chance to drop in any Master Chest dropped in all the Teir 7 Raid zones as well.
You will also need 3 of some common dropped stones from pretty much any zone in KOS. Here is a list of which stones are needed for each Archtype.
Preist Stones
- Chest - 3 Pristine Obsidians
- Legs - 3 refined black pearls
- Shoulders - 3 refined adamantites
- Forearms - 3 refined quartz
- Head - 3 refined aquamarines
- Hands - 3 refined topaz
- Feet - 3 refined rubies
Mage Stones
- Chest - 3 Pristine Chrysoberyls
- Legs - 3 Immaculate Bloodstones
- Shoulders - 3 Immaculate Nephrites
- Forearms - 3 Immaculate Gold
- Head - 3 Immaculate Saphires
- Hands - 3 Immaculate Garnets
- Feet - 3 Immaculate Amethysts
Fighter Stones
- Chest - 3 Pristine Moonstone
- Legs - 3 Exquisite Emeralds
- Shoulders - 3 Exquisite Malachite
- Forearms - 3 Exquisite Onyx
- Head - 3 Exquiste Opals
- Hands - 3 Exquiste Peridots
- Feet - 3 Exquiste Pearls
Scout Stones
- Chest - 3 pristine rubies
- Legs - 3 flawless azurites
- Shoulder - 3 flawless rose quartz
- Forearms - 3 flawless turqoise
- Head - 3 flawless ambers
- Hands - 3 flawless red beryls
- Feet - 3 flawless jades
Relic Armor
Now once you've got your relic piece and your stones in hand you're going to want to make your way down to The Eternal Forge in Solusek Eye to speak with an NPC named <Name to come soon> and turn them in. Once you've turn the items in you will be givin your new Relic piece and a Teleportation Stone good for a one shot return from anywhere to the doors of Sol Eye:)
The following is a list of ALL the Relic Armor (to veiw in game Ctrl+C the link then Ctrl+V in your chat box in game)
- \\aITEM -1386926869 -440958098:Nightfall Boots\\/a
- \\aITEM -1907699805 -1898490570:Nightfall Bracers\\/a
- \\aITEM 345761778 1140992341:Nightfall Coat\\/a
- \\aITEM -167197568 1804751232:Nightfall Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM 804986034 272077758:Nightfall Hood\\/a
- \\aITEM 1664311117 -480860900:Nightfall Leggings\\/a
- \\aITEM 825073220 -1397290172:Nightfall Mantle\\/a
- \\aITEM 628059800 1742996876:Barbute of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM -63608641 -184228318:Breastplate of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM 64750307 -1435720394:Customized Barbute of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM -1243635017 898594842:Gauntlets of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM 1906792837 858534545:Greaves of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM -229967332 -1329491704:Gussets of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM 793585234 1281322702:Sabatons of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM 1030242891 -1120364314:Spaulders of Annihilation\\/a
- \\aITEM -104176723 -640600764:Boots of the Undaunted\\/a -
- \\aITEM -1503270651 -1976524464:Bracers of the Undaunted\\/a -
- \\aITEM 1292816575 -1194901591:Coat of the Undaunted\\/a -
- \\aITEM 1876490913 -1710156361:Coif of the Undaunted\\/a -
- \\aITEM -502245021 -270781762:Gloves of the Undaunted\\/a -
- \\aITEM -1705212309 1431002127:Leggings of the Undaunted\\/a -
- \\aITEM 1451069502 1538391011:Mantle of the Undaunted\\/a -
- \\aITEM -1796484923 -533165392:Boots of the Renegade\\/a
- \\aITEM 1333028240 -294287846:Gloves of the Renegade\\/a
- \\aITEM -170850197 -2130554338:Pants of the Renegade\\/a
- \\aITEM 250505493 82238909:Shoulder Pads of the Renegade\\/a
- \\aITEM -312269563 1076680755:Skullcap of the Renegade\\/a
- \\aITEM -2091235806 -142009257:Tunic of the Renegade\\/a
- \\aITEM 1546851247 -1688262504:Wristguards of the Renegade\\/a
- \\aITEM 1745099962 -1372627475:Cowl of the Meridian\\/a
- \\aITEM -1414910469 -545687666:Cuffs of the Meridian\\/a
- \\aITEM -1391936915 201939431:Gloves of the Meridian\\/a
- \\aITEM 105111295 1552361970:Hat of the Meridian\\/a
- \\aITEM -1568716986 -1118868759:Pantaloons of the Meridian\\/a
- \\aITEM 1179268603 -2141096788:Robe of the Meridian\\/a
- \\aITEM 1892664597 -578799581:Slippers of the Meridian\\/a
- \\aITEM 1542980051 400995497:Runesilk Cowl\\/a
- \\aITEM 237161951 -1094825144:Runesilk Cuffs\\/a
- \\aITEM 1421419462 979548583:Runesilk Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM 642283262 1523939623:Runesilk Hat\\/a
- \\aITEM 884599468 -1889462425:Runesilk Pantaloons\\/a
- \\aITEM -46895207 -1322591517:Runesilk Robe\\/a
- \\aITEM 893796338 1501196693:Runesilk Slippers\\/a
- \\aITEM -524479580 -1728597814:Acrid Sanguine Boots\\/a
- \\aITEM -16601264 473246591:Acrid Sanguine Chestguard\\/a
- \\aITEM -1788869172 1985446371:Acrid Sanguine Handguards\\/a
- \\aITEM 1167467720 150792320:Acrid Sanguine Helm\\/a
- \\aITEM -285551221 -1081052035:Acrid Sanguine Leggings\\/a
- \\aITEM -332239262 -473870532:Acrid Sanguine Shoulder Pads\\/a
- \\aITEM 1779377825 -1052955524:Acrid Sanguine Wristguards\\/a
- \\aITEM -1923731287 309341148:Customized Sonorant Hat\\/a
- \\aITEM 227689402 -1123105491:Sonorant Boots\\/a
- \\aITEM -253263944 -901974548:Sonorant Bracers\\/a
- \\aITEM -652816878 -1794606232:Sonorant Coat\\/a
- \\aITEM -356228467 -2078279444:Sonorant Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM -495569582 1211812920:Sonorant Hat\\/a
- \\aITEM -383239407 -2062256778:Sonorant Leggings\\/a
- \\aITEM 769734729 1127916072:Sonorant Mantle\\/a
- \\aITEM 180005656 -1323758596:Stormwrath Boots\\/a
- \\aITEM -769947487 1975979360:Stormwrath Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM -1866046714 -537569926:Stormwrath Leggings\\/a
- \\aITEM 26231691 1653487899:Stormwrath Shoulder Pads\\/a
- \\aITEM -1392952320 -473298308:Stormwrath Skullcap\\/a
- \\aITEM 967272590 -2113615766:Stormwrath Tunic\\/a
- \\aITEM 1294466287 376866419:Mithrian Barbute of the Veteran\\/a
- \\aITEM 20810529 -192146609:Mithrian Breastplate of the Veteran\\/a
- \\aITEM 1486727753 268482459:Mithrian Spaulders of the Veteran\\/a
- \\aITEM 1700894222 1043393682:Mithrian Gussets of the Veteran\\/a
- \\aITEM -416829295 -1346720445:Mithrian Gauntlets of the Veteran\\/a
- \\aITEM 1531430937 1487493:Mithrian Greaves of the Veteran\\/a
- \\aITEM -180413497 -1468122362:Mithrian Sabatons of the Veteran\\/a
- \\aITEM -1077352183 396617717:Regal Breastplate of Scathing\\/a
- \\aITEM -1538059186 -203848061:Regal Cap of Scathing\\/a
- \\aITEM 1968419733 -2002965144:Regal Gauntlets of Scathing\\/a
- \\aITEM -888820428 919286729:Regal Legplates of Scathing\\/a
- \\aITEM 1358595595 -1389094666:Regal Pauldrons of Scathing\\/a
- \\aITEM 1268961984 178291677:Regal Tonlets of Scathing\\/a
- \\aITEM -800161317 763371302:Regal Vambraces of Scathing\\/a
- \\aITEM 1169678829 -975533002:Crescent Moon Boots\\/a
- \\aITEM 528712568 235070793:Crescent Moon Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM -1098237941 1055348176:Crescent Moon Pants\\/a
- \\aITEM 811446228 1601674381:Crescent Moon Shoulder Pads\\/a
- \\aITEM 1808881222 157123608:Crescent Moon Skullcap\\/a
- \\aITEM 1990861435 -154710112:Crescent Moon Tunic\\/a
- \\aITEM -1063124521 -243242343:Crescent Moon Wristguards\\/a
- \\aITEM 79056879 1329272481:Boots of Clandestine Rites\\/a
- \\aITEM 368575456 1182104038:Chestguard of Clandestine Rites\\/a
- \\aITEM -1748328343 -1001923985:Handguards of Clandestine Rites\\/a
- \\aITEM -721542952 -833733826:Helm of Clandestine Rites\\/a
- \\aITEM 186249472 730371241:Leggings of Clandestine Rites\\/a
- \\aITEM 1616679389 1551158233:Shoulder Pads of Clandestine Rites\\/a
- \\aITEM 1757140532 285024139:Deathcaster Cap\\/a
- \\aITEM 537385437 2074161417:Deathcaster Cowl\\/a
- \\aITEM -371122432 1745137445:Deathcaster Cuffs\\/a
- \\aITEM 1110585169 162995878:Deathcaster Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM 831995396 -1468699733:Deathcaster Pantaloons\\/a
- \\aITEM 49314191 148063562:Deathcaster Slippers\\/a
- \\aITEM -2033469545 1727090208:Deathcaster Vest\\/a
- \\aITEM 1923106811 108207502:Boots of the Vigilant\\/a
- \\aITEM -660412478 1416903036:Bracers of the Vigilant\\/a
- \\aITEM -1112710649 2072388432:Coat of the Vigilant\\/a
- \\aITEM -1455426898 138285348:Gloves of the Vigilant\\/a
- \\aITEM 1771161009 1200108508:Hood of the Vigilant\\/a
- \\aITEM -500606746 1332127184:Leggings of the Vigilant\\/a
- \\aITEM -817325998 1850309592:Mantle of the Vigilant\\/a
- \\aITEM 2102232746 746719222:Intrepid Soul Barbute\\/a
- \\aITEM -1527901019 -182348295:Intrepid Soul Cuirass\\/a
- \\aITEM -2108457419 249728532:Intrepid Soul Gauntlets\\/a
- \\aITEM -821488292 -1631153152:Intrepid Soul Greaves\\/a
- \\aITEM -1979324693 -607492169:Intrepid Soul Gussets\\/a
- \\aITEM 1076796471 581062249:Intrepid Soul Sabatons\\/a
- \\aITEM -91208366 1981920627:Intrepid Soul Spaulders\\/a
- \\aITEM 1325814162 91138436:[Dark Malevolent Gussets]\\/a
- \\aITEM 1764906520 -1649636431:[Dark Malevolent Sabatons]\\/a
- \\aITEM 1365796033 -23666352:[Dark Malevolent Spaulders]\\/a
- \\aITEM -1202834989 -232339003:[Dark Malevolent Barbute]\\/a
- \\aITEM -1258209516 1082743838:[Dark Malevolent Breastplate]\\/a
- \\aITEM 699096998 -2041193929:[Dark Malevolent Gauntlets]\\/a
- \\aITEM 168469029 1080187443:[Dark Malevolent Greaves]\\/a
- \\aITEM -1852493963 -860800467:Maelstrom Boots of Espionage\\/a
- \\aITEM 1938315266 -157922315:Maelstrom Bracers of Espionage\\/a
- \\aITEM -639743460 223712566:Maelstrom Coat of Espionage\\/a
- \\aITEM 1599587232 -1125029598:Maelstrom Gloves of Espionage\\/a
- \\aITEM -1853129126 -889679441:Maelstrom Hat of Espionage\\/a
- \\aITEM -86333834 1607305355:Maelstrom Leggings of Espionage\\/a
- \\aITEM 971872682 -632605912:Maelstrom Mantle of Espionage\\/a
- \\aITEM -1449171503 392871222:Truefaith Breastplate\\/a
- \\aITEM -2008332972 -1550295185:Truefaith Cap\\/a
- \\aITEM 1879851253 1826636909:Truefaith Gauntlets\\/a
- \\aITEM 1397346327 1336267919:Truefaith Legplates\\/a
- \\aITEM -1728510363 -2078997763:Truefaith Pauldrons\\/a
- \\aITEM 141545946 150096719:Truefaith Tonlets\\/a
- \\aITEM -1036355894 -556371374:Truefaith Vambraces\\/a
- \\aITEM 1798453982 2078158458:Boots of Resounding Presence\\/a
- \\aITEM 398680496 -953788013:Bracers of Resounding Presence\\/a
- \\aITEM 1228129303 -1479305261:Coat of Resounding Presence\\/a
- \\aITEM -1016535918 763934550:Coif of Resounding Presence\\/a
- \\aITEM -220467119 -1350858262:Gloves of Resounding Presence\\/a
- \\aITEM -1643297575 -1330568499:Leggings of Resounding Presence\\/a
- \\aITEM -509605761 -1830309545:Elder's Boots of Nature\\/a
- \\aITEM 683181016 -794358801:Elder's Gloves of Nature\\/a
- \\aITEM -9234885 376131124:Elder's Leggings of Nature\\/a
- \\aITEM -1420324019 -1109455913:Elder's Shoulder Pads of Nature\\/a
- \\aITEM 1822975532 -2052047325:Elder's Skullcap of Nature\\/a
- \\aITEM -764783511 -1590825663:Elder's Tunic of Nature\\/a
- \\aITEM -1249842962 -584356138:Elder's Wristguards of Nature\\/a
- \\aITEM -1215145203 527809720:Blackheart Cowl\\/a
- \\aITEM 1873107030 -737740622:Blackheart Cuffs\\/a
- \\aITEM -1061380137 1734351382:Blackheart Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM 803245631 -1528806038:Blackheart Hat\\/a
- \\aITEM -1706197446 -696413590:Blackheart Pantaloons\\/a
- \\aITEM 291386695 -1179004174:Blackheart Robe\\/a
- \\aITEM -1538754752 -344243908:Blackheart Slippers\\/a
- \\aITEM -695325903 -2045254250:Lunarspun Cowl\\/a
- \\aITEM 1084962977 139040548:Lunarspun Cuffs\\/a
- \\aITEM -481626616 2127586056:Lunarspun Gloves\\/a
- \\aITEM 1483694561 -806825623:Lunarspun Hat\\/a
- \\aITEM 1140658195 -1120540831:Lunarspun Pantaloons\\/a
- \\aITEM -1769581414 384020171:Lunarspun Slippers\\/a
- \\aITEM 1883391355 -1689806145:Lunarspun Vest\\/a