Casualties of the war of the Fae
From Ecodex
Very nice bow. Stuns epics. Very nice bow.
- Speak to Master Bowyer Mossberge at (455, 100, 355) in the Silver Leaf Inn in Kelethin
- Go to the Loping Plains to the mouth of the Long Draw River. Find a wounded werewolf (level 52 ^^^ Heroic) and kill him.
- Ranger Oast will call you over. Talk to him about the Faydark's Champions. He sends you to find Captain Trueshot in Lesser Faydark.
- Head South of the Wu Encampment and find Captain Trueshot
- Speak to Captian Trueshot and he will give you some information on what the Faydark's Champions have been up to all this time.
- Collect the materials to to create a Rain Caller Bow for him.
- You need to find a spool of dwarven wire.
- Buy the spool of dwarven wire (24 gold) from Mender Horon Bronzethumb at in West Fort Irontoe. NOTE you need 10,000 faction with The Irontoe Brigade. You can get this by completing the quest A Tale of Two Towers or by killing level 28-31 mobs in Butcherblock Mountains (Krulkiel, Yapsnarl etc).
- You need to find two perfect mirco servos. You can get these as kill updates from the clockworks (lvl 52 or higher) in Klak'Anon.
- You need to find a bough of Moonlight Wood.
- spawns at 10 PM game time and vanish before dawn on a high cliff overlooking the entrance to New Tunaria in Greater Faydark. NOTE You need a foresting skill of +245 to be able to complete this step.
- You need some Gold Fairy Dust.
- To get the Gold Fairy Dust, you talk to Princess Saphronia in Greater Faydark in the Tree City of Kelethin. Complete her sub quest. Enter Innovation in Klak'anon and defeat the zone.
- You need to find a spool of dwarven wire.
- Head back the the city of Kelethin and speak with Master Bowyer Mossberge. He will make the Newly Created Rain Caller Bow for you.
- Find Fethinal the Enchanted inside a hollowed out stump near the entrance of New Tunaria
- Take it to Captain Trueshot in the Lesser Faydark so he can fight the werewolves.
- Kill the werewolf dragoons
- Kill the Lieutenants
- Dragoon V'Riv (58^^^) spawns at Dagnors Pass in Butcherblock Mountains.
- Dragoon K'Geth (58^^^) spawns near the Fugutr Tribe, up on top of the gigantic tree root.
- Dragoon Cpt. K'Venx (58^^^) is Located in Lesser Faydark. head towards the Obelisk of Blight. Once in the area head to your left and climb the long root up to the ledge
- Kill the Lieutenants
- Return to Captian Trueshot. Kill him. He is (60^^^) and spawns two (57^) rangers with him.
- Once you kill Captian Trueshot Huntmaster Viswin will spawn. He then takes your Newly Created Rain Caller Bow
- Level (60^^^) Werewolf Pack Leader and three Level (60^) direwolves attack you.
- Head to the Loping Plains from Lesser Faydark to catch Huntmaster Viswin in front of the steps of Castle Mistmoore. #*Huntmaster Viswin is 60x2. He spawns 1-2 groups of 3 level (60^^^) vicious dire wolves