A Thorn of Old

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This quest is for the Wurmslayer. It slays wurms. Wurms are dragons. It should be a must for any raider. You don't need to be a lvl 65 crafter anymore. With the new consign system, any crafter can make it for you. Also, you need at least 250 in gathering to collect the harvest items.

EQPrime wrote:

Yesterday someone was asking in the 60-69 and 70 channels for someone to craft the box for the Draco HQ for him. He claimed that he could commission a crafter to make the item at the forge in SoS. Several people chimed in that this does indeed work.

Is this an intended use of the commission system, to skirt the requirements to have a semi-high level crafter in order to complete the quest? Nobody could confirm whether or not the Wurmslayer worked the same way but I'm guessing it probably does.


This was one of the big reasons we wanted to do a commission system. We like making some quests, heritage and otherwise, involve tradeskilling, but we think they'd be better for everyone without the requirement of forcing adventurers down a tradeskill path.

Adventurers get the obvious benefit of not having to become crafters, and those who are already crafters have a new service to sell/give away/etc.

- Scott


  1. Talk to a midget on Whisperwind Isle in the Barren Sky
    • He wants you to collect 3 trophies.
    • Azdalin - level 65 heroic on the breeding grounds in Tenebrous Tangle.
    • Glyton - level 67 heroic above the gorg pit at the bottom of Sanctum of the Scaleborn.
    • Lord Xyfl - level 70 heroic in the Solusek Ro temple in Lavastorm.
  2. Return to Fuzzmin. He gives you a Rusty Wurmslayer as a reward and tells you to go look for a weaponsmith to repair it for you.
  3. Go to the Hidden Refuge in Tenebrous Tangle. Behind the waterfall to the east is an old man.
  4. He will give you a level 50 artisan recipe for an Oak-shafted Wurmslayer and send you to get a beautiful oak shaft.
    • The oak shaft can be found in the Sanctum of the Scaleborn close to where you found Glyton. At the top of the platform above the pit there is a chest. Harvest the chest.
  5. Go to the forge (-115, 65, -35) in Sanctum of the Scaleborn and craft the Re-shafted Wurmslayer.
    • You must have 10 rough lumbered rosewood and 5 bituminous coal to complete the recipe.
    • You must create a "pristine" item or you will fail and your resources will be lost.
  6. After you have repaired the shaft, return to the weaponsmith master. He will give you a level 65 artisan recipe for a Re-bladed Wurmslayer.
  7. Go to the Palace of the Awakened to find an imbued bar of metal. It can be found in the workshop on the third floor at the end of the corridor as a harvestable chest.
  8. Return to the forge (-115, 65, -35) in Sanctum of the Scaleborn and craft the Re-bladed Wurmslayer.
    • You must have 15 adamantine clusters and 5 bituminous coal to complete the recipe.
  9. Return to the weaponsmith in the Hidden Refuge. He will give you a level 60 artisan recipe for a Sharp-bladed Wurmslayer.
  10. Next go to Halls of Fate and find the Quellithulians around the cavernous pillar and steal the enchantments they possess.
    • This is a workshop chest, harvestable in the south side of the room.
  11. Go back to the forge in Sanctum of the Scaleborn to craft the Formed Wurmslayer.
  12. Return to the weaponsmith and he will tell you that you will need to reforge it with the blood of the dragons to unleash it's full power.
    • Sothis - level 72 heroic dragon who is near the bottom of the Halls of Fate.
    • Harla Dar - level 74x4 epic dragon.
    • Lord Vyemm - level 74x4 epic dragon.
  13. Return to the weaponsmith. He will give you a level 65 artisan recipe for the Blood-Imbued Wurmslayer as well as three vials of blood, one from each dragon.
  14. Go back to the forge in Sanctum of the Scaleborn to craft your reward.
    • You must have Formed Wurmslayer and the three vials of blood. You will also need 7 mystical incense as fuel.

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