Eagle House = 408/449-9039
Every community has rules; so do we. This is a new, small community, so we have very few rules.
- Do enjoy our content. It is here for you to use, copy, modify, and redistribute.
- Do attribute our content. Printable web pages contain the Eagle House name and phone number as well as the site URL; that's enough. Graphics and photos generally include similar information. If you modify our content and redistribute it, please be sure to give us proper credit.
- Do redistribute our content freely, subject to our copyright policy. In short, this means that you can use, copy, give away, or sell our content but you cannot tell anyone not to do the same, even if you modify it first; also, you must pass the same requirement to each user.
- Do feel free to contribute to this site. You may correct spellings or calculations, add useful information, or even create entirely new topic pages.
- Do be sure to contribute only what you have written yourself or copied only from a freely licensed or public domain source. Stolen content will be deleted.
- Do feel free to comment on anything you see here. Each page has a discussion page, even this one. Please be sure to sign each comment with four tildes (~~~~). Thank you.
- Do log in to edit. Nothing is required of you to edit except that you choose a username and password. You do not even have to give an email address. Your account will be created instantly.
- Please keep in mind our mission. In short, this is an educational resource. We welcome contributions that support our mission.
- Do be polite. Speak as you would in a grade school classroom -- with the principal sitting in the back row. Put here what you would want to see there.
- Do be warned that some people will ignore the previous rule. Before they are removed from the community, they may leave inappropriate remarks and content, just as any passerby can throw a beer bottle into a schoolyard. Monitor your child on the net.
- Do realize that this is a very small boat in a very big sea. Rock too hard and it will tip over; so be aware that if you start to push, you may be put overboard. Sorry.
You are welcome to edit here but be aware that this is not Wikipedia. Not even a little bit. 'Nuff said.