Category:Brach Dalar

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Fort Daboia

The Giant's Mountain

Where: In southern Brach Dalar, enter the mountains through the open west side that faces Slimers and Oozers area, or enter from the southern entrance which is home to Redry Gannyn.

Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats: The physical magic of the elemental giants requires low AC and magic resist, but it is possible to spawn high amounts of golems or giants who can hit you with as high as 450 melee damage.

Main Dangers: Melee attack if you have low AC

Main treasures: Fish Scales dropped by giants

Monsters: Fire Giant, Rock Giant, Thunder Giant, Ice Giant, Golem

Recommended use: The high amount of monsters in this area that attack with low damage at a range makes this a great leveling area for those with high damage and low defense such as azure fire mages.

Chests: none

The Giant's Lair

Where: In the large open mountains area in southern Brach Dalar, the entrace is on the southern side of the circle of mountains in the east area of the mountain area.

Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats: Armor class is the essential need. For surviving large, difficult spawns without trouble, I recommend more than 350 AC. For killing individual giants, you may be fine with as little as 250 AC.

Main Dangers: Getting swarmed by melee attacks that you cannot handle is the only real danger.

Main treasures: Dwarf Blood dropped by Titans

Monsters: Fire Giant, Rock Giant, Thunder Giant, Ice Giant, Golem, Stone Golem, Titan

Recommended use: First, this is the only place to find Titans, which are the only monsters which drop Dwarf Blood. For experience, many classes can level here. The best leveling here is for area spell leveling with fire, earth, or melee aura. Other classes can get the same experience by just killing elemental giants that they encounter in lower spawn areas, but the high spawn areas of the melee-only golems are optimized best by those who can fight a large spawn and fight the whole spawn at the same time.

Chests: 3 chests drop Mana Prism, Manastone, and potion of critical healing

Slimers and Oozers

Where: In western Brach Dalar south of the dividing mountains but north and west of the Snake Lake

Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats: The physical magic of the slimers and oozers is very unthreatening if you have more than 150 AC

Main Dangers: If your spells run out and you fall to low AC during a large spawn, you could find yourself in the temple.

Main treasures: none

Monsters: Silmer, Oozer

Recommended use: Light mages can level with TU, but most shield level here. Spawning large amounts of these monsters and allowing shield effects to do the work is great experience for anyone who cannot find something better to get EXP from.

Chests: none

Soul Monster Territory

Where: North and west of the main entrance to Ft. Daboia

Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats: Most of the soul monsters attack mentally and the only element not covered is earth. While the damage is not too high, it can become overwhelming in large amounts if you cannot drain or heal.

Main Dangers: Large amounts of mental magical attacks

Main treasures: Mana Tonic, Black Magic Stone, Stone of Power

Monsters: Soul Inhaler, Soul Burner, Soul Devourer, Soul Extinguisher, Soul Eater

Recommended use: Since there are better ways to get experience, most people just kill the monsters in hopes for the drops which are useful for Alchemy.

Chests: none

Kobold's Cave

Where: The entrance is on the east side of a mountain in northeaster Brach Dalar.

Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats: Enough AC for getting ambushed by melee. Over 300 AC is adequate.

Main Dangers: Melee attack if you have low AC

Main treasures: Tempest Armor

Monsters: Kobolds, Hobgoblins, and Bugbears

Recommended use: You can hit all the chests in here if you want free mana and healing.

Chests: several chests which drop manastone, critical healing potion, or mana prism. Tempest Armor Gloves, belt, helm, and boots drop from several of the chests. There are also 2 secret chests that drop the Tempest Chest piece and Leggings.

Creature Peninsula

Where: In southern Brach Dalar north and east of the river which south

Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats: Magic resistance coupled with low AC

Main Dangers: Poisonous attacks could drain your health over time.

Main treasures: Spider Silk from the Spinnespiders

Monsters: Spinnespider, Giant Sicarius, Crawler, Worm

Recommended use: Kill the Spinnespiders if you want the Spider Silk for the Azalea's Cape.

Chests: none

Werewolf Cave


Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats:

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Begron/Demon Cave


Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats:

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Recommended use:


Winya Anwynn


Requirements: 4th isle access

Recommended survival stats:

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Main treasures:


Recommended use:



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Articles in category "Brach Dalar"

The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.



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