District centres of Duarmistan
From Duarmistan
The following are the central towns of districts in Clenwyth, Drassendach, Hampshire and New Prussia.
[edit] Clenwyth
- Allen Lake - Allen Lake
- Asthyndale - Hastings
- Barnesworth - Gwydion
- Cealyn - Mitford
- Clareycorne - Arrows Yarily
- Clye Island - New Louth Town
- Diliandle - Ayelette
- Ellefwaith - Linnylore
- Grasthurne - Tyringham
- Greater Fillmore - Fillmore
- Highlands - Springlyn
- Leighendane - Serene Springs
- Mennalenn - Cirencester
- Myndolyn - Aberdeen
- Oxenstran - Bilpashey
- Rorin North - Rorin
- Rorin South - Rorin
- Savannah Flint - Mount Rockford
- Strobodon - Greenock
- Uyndell - Shaybrake
- Yarhannon - Sykesbury