
From Dopeymon

A Smearow is a Boring-type Dopémon that is best described as a "gooey bird."




Smearows are bird-like creatures, but in place of a normal body they have a peach-colored gooey mess. They are pitifully weak, even beyond the level of wimpiness that most unevolved Dopémon are. Although they have wings, they are far too small (and lacking in muscle) to actually fly using them.

Though their beak appears normal, it is actually extremely fragile and may break if a Smearow attempts to eat a bug without thoroughly squishing it first.

Special abilities

One of a Smearow's primary features is that it really has no special abilities--and what few attacks they do learn hardly qualify as "special." Their primary method of defense is flopping around aimlessly, which sometimes succeeds in scaring away potential predators.

Shortly before evolving, Smearows learn the attack Rapid Dick; this attack is performed using a battle penis hidden somewhere within its gooey body.


Smearows spend most of their time slowly oozing across the ground in search of bugs. If they are threatened, they will begin flopping around violently on the ground in an attempt to scare away their attacker. If simply flopping in place doesn't work, they will try to flop toward predators to give the illusion that they are capable of fighting back. This is often very effective, especially if the Smearow is already somewhat wounded--dumber predators may see blood flying about and panic, not realizing that the blood belongs to the Smearow and not to them.

If a Smearow encounters an edible bug, they will flop around and try to crush it into a buggy paste, which is then carefully eaten.


Smearows generally live in fields with tall grass, which enables them to stay low to the ground and out of sight. These areas are also rich in many kinds of bugs, which Smearows often eat.


A Smearow's diet consists almost exclusively of bugs, which it squishes for several minutes before eating. They will also eat fruit paste and crushed Poopies if they are available.

Game Data

Dopédex entries

It flops around to scare predators and squish bugs. After killing bugs, it eats with its weak beak.
--(Dopémon: Mold Version)
Although it will be much more powerful after evolving, Smearow is almost worthless.
--(Dopémon: Liver Version)

Base Stats

 Health: 45
 Muscle: 25
Defense: 30
 Energy: 38
 Wisdom: 32
  Speed: 30

Attacks Learned

Start: Splash
Lv.05: Look At
Lv.10: Flop
Lv.15: Masturbate
Lv.22: Rapid Dick
Lv.40: Chase
Lv.44: Suck Penis
Lv.52: Up The Ass


Smearow evolves into Queerow at level 24.



Smearow is a spoof of Spearow, a small predatory bird Pokémon. It is also based on roadkill, which lends to its wimpiness and gooey, flattened appearance.

Name origin

The "smear" in Smearow is the English word "smear," referring to its gooey, squished body. The "ow" comes from the English word "sparrow," the name of a type of bird; it is also there to make the name sound like "Spearow," the Pokémon that Smearow was spoofed from.

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