List of Poop-type Dopémon
From Dopeymon
This is a list of Poop-type Dopémon.
- Asstoise
- Butturdpee
- Shitoran
- Shitorina
- Shitoqueen
- Shitoran
- Shitorino
- Shitoking
- Pubat
- Oldbat
- Crapitout
- Latriner
- Yuk
- Moisturd
- Cacaroach
- Krapping
- Sheeting
- Taurass
- Diaporeon
- Pooperman
- Kraptonite
- Exlax
- Crapdos
- Turdangag
- Sanchez
- Poopill
- Laxaturd
- Scumfall
- Turdiursa
- Poohfarting
- Piloshit
- Mudkrap
- Marshturd
- Swampoop
- Asscoon
- Bootyfly
- Distenturd
- Rabidookie
- Reggieass
- Turdweed
- Pooganja
- Fecaljuana
- Bafoom
- Poobarrel
- Septiktank
- Toiletdoom
- Fiber
- Scorpoopy
- Crappion
- Quagmire
- Moundoshit