List of Dopémon
From Dopeymon
This page lists all 493 Dopémon in their official Dopédex order, and makes no attempt to put certain Dopémon closer to to other Dopémon from different generations that just happen to be closely related to them. There are also a variety of other that you may want to look at.
Contents |
First-generation Dopémon (#001 to #151)
- 001 Ballbasore
- 002 Ibesore
- 003 Penisore
- 004 Buttmander
- 005 Buttmeleon
- 006 Fartizard
- 007 Turdle
- 008 Turdturtle
- 009 Asstoise
- 010 Gottapee
- 011 Penipod
- 012 Butturdpee
- 013 Peedle
- 014 Paphootna
- 015 Peedrill
- 016 Idgey
- 017 Ideotto
- 018 Ideot
- 019 Fattata
- 020 Faticate
- 021 Smearow
- 022 Queerow
- 023 Blechans
- 024 Barfok
- 025 Puckerthoo
- 026 Whythoo
- 027 Sandspew
- 028 Sandsplash
- 029 Shitoran
- 030 Shitorina
- 031 Shitoqueen
- 032 Shitoran
- 033 Shitorino
- 034 Shitoking
- 035 Fangirl
- 036 Fangirlia
- 037 Bluntlet
- 038 Bluntorch
- 039 Gigolopuff
- 040 Shigglystuff
- 041 Pubat
- 042 Oldbat
- 043 Cloddish
- 044 Buffoom
- 045 Vilebuffoom
- 046 Alleyho
- 047 Krakkwhore
- 048 Peninat
- 049 Penimoth
- 050 Dicklett
- 051 Fugtrio
- 052 Peeout
- 053 Pissian
- 054 Psysuck
- 055 Golsuck
- 056 Moonkey
- 057 Primerib
- 058 Crotchdog
- 059 Wankfurter
- 060 Barfigag
- 061 Barfihurl
- 062 Twazzerolf
- 063 Crabra
- 064 Crabadabra
- 065 Crabdalazam
- 066 Maburp
- 067 Machoking
- 068 Machump
- 069 Smellsprout
- 070 Peeinsmell
- 071 Sicpeesmell
- 072 Testicool
- 073 Testicruel
- 074 Dumbull
- 075 Stoojock
- 076 Footballer
- 077 Poneatya
- 078 Crapitout
- 079 Smokedope
- 080 Weedsmo
- 081 Fagnemite
- 082 Faggoton
- 083 Cheekeen
- 084 Suckprise
- 085 Ambushuck
- 086 Squeel
- 087 Dewdong
- 088 Latriner
- 089 Yuk
- 090 Smelturds
- 091 Moisturd
- 092 Oofo
- 093 Blinger
- 094 Gangstar
- 095 Groanix
- 096 Smellee
- 097 Lipno
- 098 Urinobi
- 099 Peenjah
- 100 Voltbored
- 101 Blechtoad
- 102 Cannabette
- 103 Cannabush
- 104 Cuboner
- 105 Marowakoff
- 106 Cacaroach
- 107 Mariacha
- 108 Lickadong
- 109 Krapping
- 110 Sheeting
- 111 Rhyhorny
- 112 Rhydong
- 113 Fat Chanse
- 114 Samsonite
- 115 Badgaskhan
- 116 Whoresea
- 117 Seadrunk
- 118 Moldypeen
- 119 Fungaling
- 120 Fukyu
- 121 Fukme
- 122 Mr. Crime
- 123 Suckther
- 124 Snowslut
- 125 Burritus
- 126 Taconator
- 127 Peniser
- 128 Taurass
- 129 Magifart
- 130 Gayados
- 131 Lapdance
- 132 Uberwhore
- 133 Duheevee
- 134 Diaporeon
- 135 Suckeon
- 136 Methaneon
- 137 Pornogon
- 138 Cthomo
- 139 Gaythulhu
- 140 Pooperman
- 141 Kraptonite
- 142 Missingno.
- 143 Exlax
- 144 Farticuno
- 145 Crapdos
- 146 Dulltres
- 147 Yenrabette
- 148 Yizzlemofo
- 149 B'harne
- 150 Spewtwo
- 151 Spew