Wartella's Teeth

From Dofus

Ens6HC The author deserves for the monument:D


[edit] Obtaining

Talk to Wartella at (8,-4) in the Port of Madrestam.

A shark is spreading panic in the harbor. Find it and come tell me where about it swims.
I'll track him.

[edit] Step one: Trail

So, you found the beast?
Yes, he swims close to a ship whose sails has a Wabbit on it.
I'm not talking about the shark, as in the fish, but as in crook: a gangster who's spreading panic in the harbor. You can't miss him, he's carmine (or red, for ignorants like you). Tell him to leave!
339 XP

[edit] Step two: The real Shark

The old Wartella is trying to make trouble for me? She's not the customs captain for no reason. Being a smuggler is hard nowadays. Give her these 1,000 Kamas. Maybe it'll calm her down. Come back to me and I'll give you some forbidden goods for this service. Be quick or else I'll find you and give you to the real sharks for them to eat you!
You get 1,000 kamas.

[edit] Step three: Big Bribering Teeth

What? He dares try to corrupt an officer on oath of King Allister in the execution of her duties? Go back to him and tell him that he won't convince me with these small coins.
She wants more? She's not an Enutrof for no reason. Here are another 1,000 Kamas. Hurry back to get your reward.
You get 1,000 kamas
That's better. I'm exhausted from all this excitement. Go get me some Pig Milk and I'll give you candies. They're bad for my teeth.
You lose the 2,000 kamas
1500 XP

[edit] Step four: Milk Teeth

(You can get pigmilk from piglets on piggy island as a rare drop.)
1860 XP
x8 Cherry Shigekax
x8 Lemon Shigekax
x4 Mint Shigekax
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