The latest fashion

From Dofus


[edit] Obtaining

Talk to Alit Elfminate at (1,-22). You must be at least level 4 to take this quest.

[edit] Step 1 : In need of wool

Alit the tailor needs some black and White Gobbly wool. If you bring some to him, he will probably make something tailor-made for you.
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x5 White Gobbly wool
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x5 Black Gobbly Wool
150 XP, 1 Basic Cloak

Acquire 5 White Gobbly wool and 5 Black Gobbly Wool and talk to Alit Elfminate to complete this step.

[edit] Step 2 : Stinky lining

Alit recommends you to add a lining to your cape. But to do it, you have to bring him some gobball wool.
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x5 Gobball wool
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x1 Basic Cloak
150 XP, 1 Winter Cloak

Acquire 5 Gobball wool (you also need the Basic Cloak) and talk to Alit Elfminate to complete this step.

[edit] Step 3 : All that fuss for an earmuff!

Bring the materials required to make an earmuff. Some of them will be hard to get, you may have to ask for some help.
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x1 Boar tusk
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x2 Boar hair
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x1 Miliboowolf Hairs
Bring to Alit Elfminate: x2 Prespic peak
1000 XP, 1 Earmuff

Acquire 1 Boar tusk, 2 Boar hair, 1 Miliboowolf Hairs, 2 Prespic peak and talk to Alit Elfminate to complete this step and the quest.

[edit] Completion

You got the Winter Cloak and Earmuffs free, other than that, nothing special.

(Note: If you have all of the meterials at the start of the Quest All steps will be completed at once.)

[edit] Add It Up

Here are the final totals of everything earned if you finish the entire quest.

1300 XP
Winter Cloak

Here are the final totals of everything you must buy or otherwise acquire to finish the entire quest.

5 Black Gobbly Wool
5 White Gobbly wool
5 Gobball wool
1 Boar tusk
2 Boar hair
1 Miliboowolf Hairs
2 Prespic peak
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