Rat needles...

From Dofus

[edit] Obtaining

Talk to Ant Emicheun in Astrub underground (6,-19). You must be level 6-7 to take this quest.

[edit] Step 1 : ... or Xelors' fangs.

The Xelors seem to be interested. According to Ant, they would like to put some hands on their hourglass...well he's not really sure.
Bring to Ant Emicheun: x10 Rat fang
1500 XP, 100 kamas

Acquire 10 Rat fang and talk to Ant Emicheun to finish this step and the quest.

[edit] Completion

This quest is repeatable. It does not show up in "archived quests", and can be taken as many times as you want.

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