
From Dofus

[edit] Polish a stone

Note: Grinding is unlocked with two slots at level 40. Two is the maximum.

Result Ingredients
Agathe 10 Water, 10 Agathe's Stone
Aquamarine 10 Water, 10 Aquamarine Stone
Crystal 10 Water, 10 Crystal Stone
Diamond 10 Water, 10 Diamond Stone
Emerald 10 Water, 10 Emerald Stone
Sapphire 10 Water, 10 Sapphire Stone
Topaz 10 Water, 10 Topaz Stone
Ruby 10 Water, 10 Ruby Stone

[edit] Melt

Result Ingredients
1 slots
Gold Ingot 10 Gold (hidden recipe)
2 slots
Aluminite 10 Iron, 10 Coppery Stone
3 slots
Ebonite 10 Iron, 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze
Potion of Liquid Metal 1 Big Glass Bowl, 2 Coppery Stone, 2 Bronze
4 slots
Magnesite 10 Iron, 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze, 10 Kobalt Stone
Potion of Heavy Liquid Metal 1 Big Glass Bowl, 2 Kobalt Stone, 2 Manganese, 2 Tin
5 slots
Bakelelite 10 Iron, 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze, 10 Kobalt Stone, 10 Manganese
Potion of Precious Liquid Metal 1 Big Glass Bowl, 2 Silver, 2 Bauxite Stone, 2 Gold, 1 Crackler's Stone
6 slots
Kouartz 10 Iron, 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze, 10 Kobalt Stone, 10 Manganese, 10 Tin
7 slots
Kriptonit 10 Iron, 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze, 10 Kobalt Stone, 10 Manganese, 10 Tin, 10 Silver
8 slots
Kobalit 10 Iron, 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze, 10 Kobalt Stone, 10 Manganese, 10 Tin, 10 Silver, 10 Bauxite Stone
Pyrute 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze, 10 Kobalt Stone, 10 Manganese, 10 Tin, 10 Silver, 10 Bauxite Stone, 10 Dolomite
Rutile 10 Coppery Stone, 10 Bronze, 10 Kobalt Stone, 10 Manganese, 10 Tin, 10 Silicate, 10 Silver, 10 Gold
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