Kry Babby (quest)

From Dofus


[edit] Obtaining

Talk to Kry Babby at (5,-22). You have to be at least level 4 to take this quest.

[edit] Step 1 : One-armed Bandit

Camp of the armless gangsters is north of Astrub forest, the Teddy bear is probably on one of the bandits...
Discover map Camp of the armless gangsters
Bring to Kry Babby: x1 Trool fair softtoy
750 XP

Go to the Camp of the armless gangsters (3,-26). Acquire 1 Trool fair softtoy. Defeat a One-armed Bandit when it spawns to get the soft toy. Talk to Kry Babby to lose the soft toy and complete this step.

[edit] Step 2 : The linen bunch

You have to collect Linene flowers for Kry Babby's mother. Only alchemists can pick up these flowers...'(Or You can buy them at the Resources' Sellroom)
Bring to Kry Babby : x4 Flax Flower
200 kama

Acquire 4 Flax Flower and talk to Kry Babby to complete this step.

[edit] Step 3 : Babby's house

Kry Babby forgot where her house is, she's scared to death and afraid to venture into town on her own.
Talk to Kry Babby
Discover map House of Kry Babby
2000 XP, 250 kama

Talk to Kry Babby and agree to escort her. You will be moved off the map and obtain the following character Kry Babby (item). Go to (3,-17) to complete this step and the quest.

[edit] Completion

Kry Babby now stands in front of her house. 2750 exp. 450 kamas

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