Find Ogivol Scalarcin
From Dofus
This quest is obtained by reading a notice at the Astrub Jail (7, -18). The minimum level requirement for this bounty is level 46.
Currently there is a bug that causes the link to obtain this to be invisible. You can still obtain the quest, though. Hover the mouse over the lower-left corner of the bounty posting until it turns from a pointer into a hand, and click there to obtain the quest. Alternatively you could change the language to French and click the option that appears at the bottom.
[edit] Step One: Localise and Neutralise Ogivol
Ogivol Scalarcin can be anywhere in Brakmar. Beware, if you get too close he might aggress you! He may also spawn with some Brakmarian warriors. [Note: Often spwns at -26,31]
Once you have beaten him, return to the jail to claim your prize, 32000 kamas!