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military being in some Middle Eastern lands."They're over there killing our brothers," Sutton quoted Boyd as saying.The indictment names Boyd as the suspected ringleader,hollister outlet online, saying he bought guns and led the group. It says some of the men took trips over the past three years to Jordan, Kosovo,hollister uk outlet, Pakistan and Israel to participate in the jihad plot. Sutton said there was a trench dug under the Boyd's deck that a witness described as a place to hide weapons.Boyd's wife has said her husband and two sons were not involved in any terrorist activity, and neighbors and friends were shocked last week to learn of the accusations.Sutton said some of the men recently had scheduled trips,cheap beats headphones, and that Zak Boyd said at some point that he planned to travel to the Bosnia area in search of a place for the family to relocate."I think that all of them are a risk to flight," Sutton said.The eighth suspect,mulberry outlet store, Mohammad, was detained in Pakistan in October after he was accused of trying to enter a militant stronghold near the Afghan border that is offlimits to foreigners.Kenan's family said he was in the country to visit his Pakistani father.Ejaz Khan, a police official in the region that had jurisdiction in the case, said Mohammad was taken into custody and booked on charges of weapons possession for allegedly carrying a dagger,chanel bags uk, and traveling without proper documents.He was granted bail later that month and police have no record of him after that, Khan said.Some said they believed the men were innocent or being unfairly targeted."Maybe there's some bad Muslims in there, but just because you have a head scarf and faith in your heart doesn't mean we're aliens," said 37yearold Shagufta Syad. Related articles:

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