Desired Characters

From Dexnet

Revision as of 02:17, 26 October 2008 by Butter (Talk | contribs)

This is a list of character ideas or desired characters. If you're thinking of apping somebody new, check this list first! Maybe your char idea will fit something somebody else wants, and everyone's happy!

Conversely, if there's a character you'd like somebody to app, go ahead and add it here!


Plot related

Some PETP members.



  • Siblings for Duncan!
    • There's like a million of them
    • He's the oldest at 24. Others include Martin Baldur Jackson (21, with two siblings in between them), and Emilea “Emi” Idunn Jackson (19). Pick any unmentioned age, any age at all!
    • From a farm somewhere in the countryside near Celadon
      • COUNTRY BUMPKIN ACCENTS (no but seriously they could've gotten rid of these like he did)
    • All seem to suffer from his condition of never knowing what's going on because everyone forgets to tell them
  • I'd also like to see a Joy who joined the police force or a Jenny who works at a PokéCenter! Or male members of either family! That'd be neat!
  • I'd ALSO like to see a contest-runner or two. Y'know, the people who run like POKéMON BEAUTY CONTESTS and such.
    • Oh, shoot, that reminds me, I need to write crap up for contests and breeders. Contests/breeding will be part of Hoenn and Sinnoh infrastructure, since that shit mostly goes down over that way! (...Were there contest halls in gen III Kanto?) -Dragonfire
    • I haven't run across any in FR so I don't think there are... If they're in Kanto they'd be privately run things.


  • Siblings/family members for Kate!
    • They are filthy stinkin' rich, and most of them live in Saffron or are out on adventures
    • They might like her, or they might want to keep her from every come home again.
  • I would like I second the call for more Jacksons!


  • Two members of Goldenrod Gym to slave away under Vince's command.
    • All that's required of them is that they be pretty serious about training normal-type Pokémon and that they currently live in Goldenrod City. And they should probably be in their late teens at the least, I doubt Vince would bring someone any younger aboard.
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