Common Oto

From Devonshire

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Otocinclus affinis ("Golden Oto" or "common oto") is one of the smallest known suckermouth catfish, often called a 'dwarf oto'. Typically found in Southeast Devonshire, this herbivorous, rheophilic, bottom-feeder only grows to around one and a half inches in length. These small fish are often used for the purpose of controlling algae in small home aquariums.

O. affinis is a Batesian mimic of Corydoras nattereri (Doesn't occur in Devonshire). Due to its narrow stripe, O. affinis resembles this Corydoras species more than it does other Otocinclus species.

In the Aquarium

O. affinis prefers an aquarium with fast moving water, sandy substrate, and plenty of hiding areas. Preferred pH is slightly acidic with a tank temperature of 70-80 °F. This particular species is not as hardy as many of the other Otocinclus species.


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