Main Page

From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 22:23, 31 January 2013 by (Talk)


This is the wiki detailing, well, just about everything from the online roleplaying game, located on livejournal, Desai University. This was created for both prospective players wanting to know more about where the in-game incarnations came from in their canon, as well as those already in the game to do some double-checking of their own. Because the Mods are anal like that. Kind of. Not really.

fnrkTt Great, thanks for sharing this article post. Will read on...

sa7hN4 A round of applause for your post.Much thanks again.

5kZa2B Major thanks for the blog post.Much thanks again. Really Great.

External Links

Desai University - The IC Log Community
DU OOC - The OOC Community
Desai Records - The Community For Plotty Goodness

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