
From Desaiuniversity

Revision as of 22:54, 11 December 2006 by Amandathede (Talk | contribs)
Dante Redgrave: Local demon hunter, student, younger twin, wibbler, asshole. Don't let the cute face fool you.
Dante hails from Capcom's Devil May Cry series; more specifically, he comes from pre-canon Devil May Cry 3. Some details of the manga are relevant, most are not, as the time frame has been skewed in a massive way for plotty purposes. However, since nothing game-canon-wise has happened, everything mentioned in game about the past is still very valid.

This Dante is another incarnation of another Dante, once played in Squenix Uni and Fractura Uni, known as Sanctus and DivineSpiral respectively. However, during the course of play (since August of 2006), he's grown away from the archtype he once started as, and has become an entirely unique version, with only superficial ties to his predecessors.

Dante is munned by Amanda.


The Basics

Name: Dante Redgrave
Age: He'll give anything between 19 and 21.
Height: Six feet even.
Weight: Fluctuates between 190 and 200 pounds.
Hair Color: White. Not grey. Not silver. White.
Eye Color: Light Blue.
Family: Vergil (twin brother), Sparda (father), and Eva (mother/deceased).
Nicknames: Wibbler, Baby, That Idiot, Devilboy, Son Of Sparda
Style: Dante can't even be said to have a 'style'. He's the kind of guy who throws on whatever's cleanest after rolling out of bed. He's a clean individual, true enough, but as far as looking 'put together'...That just doesn't happen. Though he stands out from the crowd with his almost ridiculous red leather jacket that he's rarely seen without, otherwise he can almost invariably be found in ratty band tshirts and worn jeans with plenty of pockets, because he has a tendence to carry more than he needs.
Noticable Features: Not a one.
Musical Tastes: Dante is a metalhead, plain and simple. Whether it's old school metal like Led Zeppelin and Kiss, or the newer stuff like Lamb of God and Mastodon, he has it. He also fringes into punk with the Misfits and Flogging Molly, and industrial with things like Rotersand and Die Form.
Weapon Of Choice: Guns, blades, and the occasional blunt object if need be. He doesn't discriminate.

The Important People

Dante isn't the type to really get close and cuddly with anyone, but there are a few people on campus who've either earned his respect, his ire, or that he has an obligation to be loyal to, for whatever reason his cracked little brain decides on. And these are the people he'll either a) willingly hang around and talk to, b) seek out to irritate at any given time because he can, or c) will fight with like a wet cat on a normal basis, but will rip to shreds anyone else who says a word to them. And these fine individuals are...

The Family

Vergil: Vergil is a given, since half the time Dante can tolerate him, and half the time he wants to rip his eyeballs out and forcefeed them to him. And that's perfectly acceptable, as they are twins. Vergil is probably the one person Dante would maim to the edge of death, but brutally maul anyone else who so much as looked at him cross-eyed. He's a sad, pathetic little puppydog to his brother, and he secretly likes it that way, thank you very much and goodnight.

Sparda: Dante dislikes his father. Immensely. Mainly because he blames him for his mother's death, in part, for leaving them. Sparda has told Dante why he left, but Dante considers it lies, for whatever reason. However, let it be known that Dante will answer his father's summons, and is growing more bold about the fact that his father is the head of the Board of Affairs, as many professors are beginning to find out. Dante plans on handing Sparda a list of professors he's deemed 'inadequate' to teach, because he wants to get them fired. Dante? Petty? A spoiled little prince? No, never.

Eva: Eva is probably the most important person to Dante, everything else aside. He was a mama's boy when he was little, and ever since her death, he's blamed himself for both what happened to her, and what happened to Vergil. She is where his drive comes from, first from simply her memory, and now, that she's in Desai as a Hunted, the survival of her soul. He's proven he's not afraid to be irrational over her, going so far as to butt heads with his own brother over the matter, because unlike his twin, Dante doesn't hide what family means to him, hatred for Sparda aside.

More On The Weapons

Dante is all about things being custom-made, as if his twin handguns, Ebony and Ivory, don't prove that. His sword is, in fact, something that was passed down from his father, and its name is Rebellion. Dante leans more heavily toward using his guns than his sword, much unlike his twin brother Vergil, who has an extreme dislike for guns period. Thus, Dante is not the better swordsman.

Despite, Dante's fighting style is somewhat chaotic and aggressive, and he is, for the most part, self-taught. After all, when you grow up a street rat, it's not likely you can afford fencing classes. He didn't even bother picking up the sword as a weapon until the turn of the century (meaning 1900 or so), since he'd never faced down demons and such as he does in the present day. Instead, his first real weapon was a Colt Peacemaker, that he pickpocketed off some unwary newcomer to New York City.

Later came Ebony and Ivory, his mismatched, custom-made .45s, and they were given to him as a gift, under one of his many aliases. Hence the 'For Tony Redgrave' inscription on the side of each gun. One is silvery in color, and that would be Ivory. One is black, and that's Ebony. On the grips, there are cameos, said to have belonged to his mother, though one is of a brunette (on Ebony) and one is of a blonde, on Ivory. Those are his 'girls', and as scuffed as they may appear, he is very good to them. They've pulled him out of many scrapes in his life, since he's gotten them. He's a crack shot, enough so that even Vergil would admit it, as long as he wasn't on the business end of them. Dante doesn't realize it, but they were unconsciously modled after his father's guns, Luce and Ombra.

Rebellion, of course, is an heirloom. And, really, it couldn't be more fitting, considering its design and intended use. It's long and broad, a much heavier blade than the one that was passed down to his brother, Yamato. Though, in a sense, the blades are twins, as well, as they were both demonically forged, and both were used by Sparda before they came into the boys' ownership. Rebellion is decorated with a skull design, that Dante has no idea of the use of yet, as he has yet to obtain a devil trigger. It's pointy in more ways that one, as well, and is meant to be used aggressively, which compliments Dante's fighting style.


Dante doesn't fall into one archtype, though he'll make you think so. He comes off as an asshole, and in truth, he truly can be, especially if he sees no reason to be 'pleasant'. He has a tendency to push people away, due to the fact that he knows he's a hunted man, and it's just easier that way when he's forced to leave things behind and pick up and move. At this point in time (pre-canon), he doesn't stay in one place long.

And while it is in his nature to be a complete jackass to people he sees as wasting his time, he also has a bit of a softer side. It's not something he's likely to show in the open, and very few are ever on the recieving end of it (read: Vergil), but it's there all the same. It typically only presents itself when it's needed, and then, as soon as the situation requiring it is over, he retreats back into his smartass facade, to make himself not seem too 'wussy'.

He's also a bit of a whiner, and bitches about everything that doesn't go his way. Which is quite often, truth be told. He'll make a mountain out of a moehill, and if no one pays attention to him, he'll only whine louder. He's an attention whore, and it doesn't matter if that attention is negative or positive. He'll claim he wants to be left alone, but if no one pays attention to him, he'll pout and make a scene. This is especially true for his twin brother, Vergil, who is nearly the only person who can send him into an incoherant frothing rage.

He even has a serious side, which is more often seen publically than his soft side, especially concerning things that interest him. While it's not something he wants broadcasted, he'll become quite irate if he's babied or coddled in any fashion (again, read: Vergil). While family is important to him, and he likes having the knowledge that his brother is there if Dante needs him, he also throws a tantrum if Vergil steps across bounds Dante has set (without bothering to let anyone know what they are), he'll raise seven kinds of holy hell for the elder twin sticking his nose in Dante's business.

Dante also has a bit of a martyr complex, and one hell of a deathwish, though these aren't readily noticed. He fights to live, and lives to fight, and for him there is no inbetween. He's not overly violent, no, but if a fight has some purpose, he won't turn it down. Especially if he knows he's the stronger of the contestants. He's not a hero, and he doesn't claim to be, but he'll do what's right according to his own sense of personal honor, and the fact that he leans more heavily to his human side.


Coming after Amanda has some sleep.

Devil Trigger


Not much is expressly known about Dante's past. He doesn't talk about it, because he figures it's nobody's business but his own. Few outside of his own world realize that he's the youngest twin son of the legendary Dark Knight, Sparda, a demon who turned against his own kind two thousand years previously after awakening to the light and becoming mankind's savior from Hell, and a human woman named Eva. He has a twin brother, Vergil, though the two don't exactly go out of the way to point out that they are, in fact, identical twins, and even standing side by side, one probably wouldn't realize it at it, as the two have wildly different tastes in clothes and hairstyles.

Sometime during Dante's childhood, his house was invaded and his mother was killed by demons, and he and Vergil were seperated. Dante was bounced from orphanage to orphanage, most of them Catholic in origin, moved every time it was realized who and what he was. Sometime after he had reached his 'mid-teens', he struck out on his own, leaving the life of a penniless orphan for the life of a penniless drifter.

Not much has changed since then. Dante still wanders where he wants to, without much in the way of money, only just recently having come into a bit of property to house his 'shop', which he calls a paranormal investigation firm. In truth, Dante is a demon hunter, making his living from killing the beings that plague humanity, and are part of half of his heritage. He won't admit to that, however, just as he won't admit to being Sparda's son (whom he holds a deep disgust for, as he considers his father abandoned them and that it's partially Sparda's fault that Eva died). And this isn't something the common person would know. There aren't any connections in any solid form from Dante to Sparda, or even to Vergil; no paper trail whatsoever, and he prefers it that way.

Half of the way Dante acts can be attributed to the things that happened in his past, and half can be because of his heritage, which is something he has yet to gain a complete grasp on. He isn't interested in what he is or really how to use it, he just wants to kill the demons and find the one that took out his mom and end it.

Important In-Game Events

Random Facts

See Also

External Links

Dante's Livejournal - Connected to the school network.
Dante's Last.FM - Chronicles what he's listening to.
Scenage - Links to the scenes Dante's been a part of.

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