Donovan Essex
From Demiurge Games
Donovan Alexander Essex
Image: "My face, lacking a strong jaw-line, doesn’t have the rugged handsomeness of many men considered attractive. Instead it is slender, rather androgynous, possessing eyes of deep blue, an uncommon purple lining the iris, and a softly tiered mouth, supple and sensuous. Long hair falls just past my shoulders, straight, thick and black. The body of a god was mine…slender without being thin, naturally muscular without being bulky, and, though it was not so before, it remains entirely hairless. Perhaps my favorite feature is my hands. Lengthy, narrow fingers with nails I keep long, manicured, painted glossy black." -Excerpt from Donovan's memoirs
History/Bio: Donovan Alexander Essex was born into high society in 1754 and was well suited to live the spoiled lifestyle of an aristocrat. In his near two and a half centuries, he has changed little. Not one to never have his way, Donovan uses his beauty and charm to his advantage, though when that doesn't work, he isn't above a little back stabbing. In fact, just about the only things standing in the way of any of his goals are a brashness and arrogance that he has yet to shake. Though he is more a lover than a fighter, Donovan is an exceptionally quick vampire, and his ability with edged weapons, as well as his aim with firearms, is impeccable.
When Luke Laque approached him with the role of Conquest in the Four Horsemen, Donovan accepted the position almost immediately. It was a perfect part for him to play. Still a young vampire by most standards, Donovan was eager to prove himself and hold a position of power, and while his place as Conquest had, at one time, been questionable, he has since made amends with Luke and filled this position once again.
He resides alone in an estate in the CrossRealms, venturing out when he must feed or be social, but more than content to stay at home, admiring his vast collection of art and antiques, or composing piano concertos for his own amusement.
Other: Posesses a ring, given to him as a gift from Vindora Blackheart that enables him to walk in daylight. His weapons include two boot knives and a .357 caliber Glock 33. His vehicle of choice is the 2002 Harley V-Rod.
Personal Quote: "I wondered, as I leaned forward and put my arms more firmly around her, if this were the shy maiden’s first kiss, or if she’d never gone farther than a mere kiss. As her lips pressed softly against mine, I wondered if she had ever seen a man naked. As I kissed her chin, and her neck, I wondered if she had ever experienced the unbridled passions of sex in its simplest form. I wondered, as I bit down on the pink flesh of her neck, if she squirmed." -Excerpt from Donovan's memoirs