Amalthea Wyrdblood

From Demiurge Games

Amalthea Wyrdblood

Amalthea is the fourth daughter of Arameus and Keorwyn Wyrdblood. Both Arameus and Keorwyn are well known magi-Arameus is the great great great great (ect) Grandson of Schmendrick the Magician. Keorwyn (technically Keorwyn the third) is the great great great great grandaughter of Kethry Shin'a'in, the famed whitewinds sorceress who oathed with a Shin'a'in swordswoman. With their union, two famed magical bloodlines were joined and it was expected that all the children from this marriage would be talented and prodigies. And then Amalthea was born... From her first years, Amalthea showed magical talent and the ability to draw on the magical energies around her, certainly, but never with planned for results. As a toddler, she managed to fill a room with bubbles when she was wishing for a bubble bath. At age ten, her tries at magical usually resulted in turning the house cat blue (she was simply trying to give him wings), turned her brother into a frog (while attempting to magically change his diaper. To this day the poor lad still wants flies), and once managed to put herself aloft like a balloon...which took her father three days to undo. The Spaghetti incident is never spoken of, and Amalthea is forbidden from making spaghetti- ever. As a teenager, things simply got more extreme where she managed to make her school invisible for a week...when she only meant to magically hang a poster on the wall. It was later realized that her famed grandfather, her magic was " Backwards", aka, magical dyslexia. Talent was there, great talent, but some how when she called on it, magic would develop a mind of its own. Her parents got her tutors and extra mentoring and she's so far, been able to keep things roughly under control, though that magic is still rather wild. She's come to the Godai Royal Academy of Magic in hopes to try and control her magic better and to become a true adept sorceress and be a representative of her long lineage.

Other Notable relatives: Nicholas Summersby, cousin on mothers side- turned himself into a possessed teapot. His father, Amalthea's uncle, was able to turn him back to human, but he always had the curious habit of trying to " spit tea" into others teapots after that.

Appearance: She's short with a bit of a fuller figure-admittedly the girl could stand what her grandmother could phrase as a "few months as a starving white winds mage". She has long green hair (don't ask) and green/hazel eyes with fair skin, wearing a pair of round framed glasses. She prefers to wear pretty dresses patterned in greens, golds, reds and other vibrant colors.

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