Forsaken Wind
From Deathmenwalking
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[edit] What I remember
I began as a twinkle in my mother's eye and a stirring in my father's loins. By Their will how that very thought disgusts me. But I suppose in doing so they provided me, one who can fulfill Their will, and so I cannot hate them completely.
I was a Marukan, and I hated every moment of my existence as one. I was surrounded by horses, which are nothing more than glorified cattle without the tangible benefits of cattle. I refused to learn how to ride such wretched creatures, and I could do naught but laugh at the faces of contempt that other Marukani gave me. Eventually, as all things will, my father and mother died, he to age and she to illness. I continued to run their failing ranch for no better reason than I had nothing better to do.
As the years went by, I met a traveling merchant from Gem. He was handsome and kind, and when I met him my whole life changed. I felt the false happiness of love with him, and together we sired a child, a son, a sin against Them. But such false happiness was not to last, and eventually it ended as all things do. My family was slaughtered, their bodied burned and charred, when the horse thieves came to steal those filthy animals.
I chased them, livid with vengeance, and eventually I caught them. Oh how foolish I was, challenging a nephwrack, a ghost mimicking the living, expecting to win. I was cut down so easily I might as well have not been. But then he came, and offered me brief vengeance for eternal servitude. Even as he spoke those words though, I heard other words, Their words, from behind the Deathlord Mask of Winters. Even that servitude would be temporary, as all things are, to the ultimate Oblivion. So I gladly accepted, finally feeling purpose in my life as I wrenched the nephwracks false head off.
And so children, listen and listen well! The end will come, however long it takes! And for those that embrace that inevitability there will be peace, fulfillment, and true happiness. For there is but One True Ending.
[edit] What I am
Name: Forsaken Wind
Caste: Midnight
Concept: Devoted Apostle
Motivation: To bring everything into Oblivion
Anima: A Black Stallion
Description: Forsaken Wind looks as a forbidden fruit. She has long silver hair that reaches down to her ankles that she lets flow free. She has soft, perfect features, except for her eyes which shine as green as the trees of the Deep East and speak of a shrewd mind. Those who look deeper however see that they hold a silent contempt for those that defy the Neverborn and live still. Her body seems well built, but is not bulging with muscular power, and she is more than capable of doing her own work. She stands rough 5 foot and 7 inches, and weighs roughly 140 pounds.
She is hardly seen without pridefully wearing her soulsteel armor Irony however, and for good reasons. For starters she wears a slotted helm, revealing only her perfect eyes and helping to conceal the Caste Mark permanently charred onto her forehead. But there are reasons besides her protection or concealment. For on the chest and the stomach, two faces take prominence over all the others. They are the faces of her husband and son respectively, each screaming in silent agony as they are forever burned alive. And hanging on each side of her waist, charred, blackened, and cracked by the flames but still recognizable, are their skulls; grim testaments to the folly of defying the Neverborn's will, eagerly gathered by Forsaken Wind and attached by soulsteel chains to her armor at her strict command.
All to show, no to prove, her devotion to Oblivion.
Intimacies: Marukan Alliance, Horses
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 5
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 4
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2
[edit] What I know
Integrity 5
Performance 5
Presence 5
Resistance 2
Survival 3
Martial Arts 3
Lingustics 3 (Native: Riverspeak; Low Realm, Flametongue, Forest-tongue)
Athletics 2
Awareness 2
Socialize 2
Dodge 2
Lore 1
[edit] What I have
Artifact 5 (Soulsteel Superheavy Plate "Irony" )
Spies 1 (Marukan Alliance)
Whispers 1 (An itch in the back of her mind that never
Liege 2 (The Mask of Winters trusts his Devoted a point.)
Willpower: 6
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Compassion 2
Conviction 3
Temperance 2
Valor 3
Permanent: 3
Personal: 8/15
Peripheral: 17/29 (37)
Committed: 8
Gained: 27
Banked: 27
Merits & Flaws
Permanent Caste Mark (2F)
[edit] What I can do
Martial Arts
- Ravaging Blow
- Dead Man's Grasp
- 2nd Performance Excellency
- Haunting Apparition Trick
- Withering Phantasmagoria
-- Area, Continuing
-- Single Target, Continuing
-- Single Target, Instant
- 2nd Presence Excellency
- Dread Lord's Demeanor (Willpower roll)
- Killing Words Technique
- Heart-Stopping Mien
- Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference
[edit] What I fight like
Bashing: 20(3)
Lethal: 18(1)
Aggravated: 17
Hardness: 11B/11L
Health Levels
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ] [ ]
-2 [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
Inc [ ]
Dodge DV (With Armor): 5 (4) Parry DV: 4
Mental Dodge DV: 7