Session 8

From Deadhaus

[21:01] <@uhrwerk> Even as you watch, the ocher puddle dissolves, either evaporating or melting into the floor -- you can't tell which. Soon, it's completely gone, leaving you alone in the smoky industrial nightmare of the hospital's basement, its rusting metalwork and disused furniture lit only dimly by the ruddy flames under the hulking, rotting boiler tanks. In the dim light, you think you can see _things_
[21:01] <@uhrwerk> ...moving at the edge of your vision
[21:04] <Tanya_Greene> "Let's get out of here..." Tanya shivers under her breath.
[21:04] <James_Sessenwick> "I agree. Out of here is fucking good." James nods, finishing wiping the last of the goo off of his hoodie.
[21:05] <Cherice> Just shadows, that's all. Shadows playing tricks on her eyes. Cherice has never been claustrophobic but now she thinks she knows what it's like. Coughing away the last of the bile in her mouth, she wipes her lips and turns around.
[21:05] <Cherice> "Everyone okay?" she says, a little roughly, squinting into the darkness.
[21:06] <Miles_Brandenburg> "Uh, where?" Miles holds the mag-light in his hand like a club. "I mean I don't know about you, but I can't see shit."
[21:06] <Tanya_Greene> "You're supposed to hit them with the OTHER END, you moron!" Tanya manages to finally blame Miles for breaking their only flashlight.
[21:07] <Tanya_Greene> ((Because he totally had to hit them with the lightbulb end, right? XD))
[21:07] <Miles_Brandenburg> "It didn't have a motherfucking head!" He stamped his foot.
[21:07] <Tanya_Greene> "What's that got to do with anything? It didn't even have a motherfucking body!"
[21:08] * Chastity is busy ignoring any figures to see anything, shuffling closer to the others.
[21:08] <Cherice> "Cut it the fuck out!" Wherever they are. She fumbles a bit in the dark, reaching for the closest person by voice.
[21:11] <James_Sessenwick> James would relight his zippo. "Alright, let's try to find a way out, right?"
[21:14] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles pupil's contracted at staring at the tiny flame."Okay let me try fixing the damn thing, hold the light over here, alright?"
[21:16] <Tanya_Greene> "If it's the bulb, it should have a spare one inside the battery cap..." Tanya rubs her forehead and tries to stay calm.
[21:16] <James_Sessenwick> James would try to hold the light over to Miles, without setting fire to his hair much.
[21:17] <Cherice> Cherice tries to stay calm but mostly she feels sick. And like punching something really fucking hard, that too.
[21:17] <Chastity> "Hurry it up, will you? I don't have all day." Chastity checked her watch despite it being too dark to actually see the time.
[21:19] <Miles_Brandenburg> (4 dice / target number 8 / 1 9 10 4= 2 sux)
[21:19] <Tanya_Greene> ((Unless she has a Timex indiglo watch. =P))
[21:21] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles does the manly thing and smashed the maglight against his hand a couple times, only to have the thing flicker into life, it went out once in a while, but better than nothing right?
[21:21] <Miles_Brandenburg> "Hah!"
[21:21] <Tanya_Greene> "..."
[21:22] <James_Sessenwick> "...Can we fucking go now?"
[21:23] <Cherice> "Please."
[21:23] <@uhrwerk> As the flashlight flickers and bobs around the room, it plays a uneven beams of light over a ring of corpse-things, standing just out of reach. For the moment standing stock still and pointing directly at you all, ichor dripping from their bandaged eyes.
[21:23] <Miles_Brandenburg> "...Exit stage left."
[21:23] <James_Sessenwick> "...Maybe we should turn it off...?"
[21:23] <Cherice> Oh fuck she did not just see that.
[21:24] <Tanya_Greene> "... Weren't those guys upstairs?!"
[21:24] <Miles_Brandenburg> "Now they aren't."
[21:24] <James_Sessenwick> "Well, so were we."
[21:24] <Tanya_Greene> Tanya tries not to shriek, involuntarily biting her lip. "... Whyaretheydownherenow?"
[21:25] <Cherice> "Look, there has to be a way around them." She hopes.
[21:25] <James_Sessenwick> "...Alright, where's the exit? Some of you work here, right?"
[21:31] * Chastity glanced around to see if anything looked familiar at all.
[21:31] <Miles_Brandenburg> "...Okay maybe we should try turning off the flashlight?"
[21:31] <Cherice> "I... think there's a stairwell and an exit at the top?"
[21:32] <Cherice> Damn, a copy of the floor plan she'd given Miguel would be nice about now.
[21:33] <Tanya_Greene> Tanya looks around for a bog-standard red "exit" sign.
[21:33] <Tanya_Greene> They were code in hospitals, right? >>
[21:34] <@uhrwerk> (Wits + Composure?)
[21:35] <Tanya_Greene> ((Sure, lemme fire up my roller.))
[21:35] <Tanya_Greene> ((Any penalties for loldarkness?))
[21:35] <@uhrwerk> ((Not now that you have a flashlight! :D ))
[21:35] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(5d10)+0:
[21:35] <Tanya_Greene> 1,9,2,10,3
[21:36] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(1d10)+0:
[21:36] <Tanya_Greene> 8, ((3 total.))
[21:38] <@uhrwerk> Tanya spots the exit sign glowing over the shoulder of one of the corpse-things. Only, the letters seem strangely blurry and indistinct, almost as if they've been smeared with something
[21:39] <Tanya_Greene> "... Uh, there's an exit sign..." Tanya points, "maybe the exit still works? >>"
[21:40] <Cherice> "It's not like we can go anywhere else. Why not?" Cautiously Cherice peers around, looking for a path around the corpse...whatevers.
[21:40] <James_Sessenwick> "Right. That way." Note that that was said less in a 'I'm the leader hurr' voice, and more of a 'holy shit let's do something now' voice.
[21:41] <Cherice> (3 sux on Wits+Composure.)
[21:41] <Cherice> "I think we can squeeze around along that back wall." She points. "It'll take us straight up the stairs. We won't have to touch any of them at all."
[21:42] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles points the light at the wall. "Right, you first."
[21:42] <Cherice> She sounds... rather relieved by the notion, really.
[21:43] <Cherice> "Think I will." Her grip tightens on that wrench, big deep breath, and she steps slowly and carefully towards the wall, attempting to slip past the grisly figures ringed about the room.
[21:44] <@uhrwerk> (Dex + Athletics. >:3 )
[21:44] <Tanya_Greene> Tanya is close behind, wanting to waste no time getting away from zombie jesus.
[21:44] <Cherice> (D:)
[21:46] <James_Sessenwick> (5 dice / target number 8 / difficulty 1
[21:46] <James_Sessenwick> 4 9 10 9 4 vs TN 8 = 4 successes
[21:46] <James_Sessenwick> 4 successes
[21:46] <James_Sessenwick> )
[21:47] <Tanya_Greene> (Roll(5d10)+0:
[21:47] <Tanya_Greene> 9,6,2,5,2 (1 here.)
[21:47] * Chastity skitters along, preferably between two people, spinning the pen in her fingers nervously.
[21:47] <Chastity> ((Zero.))
[21:48] <Miles_Brandenburg> (5 dice / target number 8 / difficulty 1/ 2 4 3 1 1 vs TN 8 = 0 successes)
[21:48] <Miles_Brandenburg> (SUDDENLY TENTACLES)
[21:48] <Cherice> (XD)
[21:48] <@uhrwerk> (Aren't you glad we're playing nWoD?)
[21:49] <Miles_Brandenburg> (...Kind of)
[21:49] <Cherice> (Uh... well, my first roll was 3 sux and my second was 2 so... whichever I guess?)
[21:49] * James_Sessenwick goes sprinting for the exit, not at all concerned with the fact that he's likely leaving other people behind. Go for the gold, little streetkid.
[21:49] <Miles_Brandenburg> (If we were using framework I got a 2 3 4 ;))
[21:51] <@uhrwerk> James lays his hand on the doorknob and turns, only to see the corpse-things snap to alertness as a couple of his companions brush against the corpse things. In a flash, their entire posture changes, from stiff and unmoving to hunched and predatory. A keening moan fills the room as all the ghouls swivel their heads, searching with blind eyes for their prey.
[21:51] <Cherice> "...fuck."
[21:53] <James_Sessenwick> "...It's been good, y'all." James would say, pushing the door open and hoping karma wouldn't be too hardset against him.
[21:53] <@uhrwerk> Miles stumbles over a loose rebar and lands on his hands and knees before one of the things. It's so close that he can smell it's odor -- the cloying sweetness of decay mixed with the unwholesome yeasty aroma of infection. Something drips on the back of his head and runs down his neck and under his shirt.
[21:54] <Miles_Brandenburg> "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Miles goes sprinting after James, not at all running away, just running after a street kid.
[21:54] <@uhrwerk> "Are you... going somewhere, Mr... Sessenwick?"
[21:54] <@uhrwerk> James feels a sudden presence over his shoulder.
[21:55] <James_Sessenwick> "Oh... fuck me."
[21:57] <Cherice> Suddenly Cherice really wishes she'd gone home on time tonight.
[21:58] <Tanya_Greene> Tanya makes a mental note never to go wardriving without a firearm ever again.
[21:58] <@uhrwerk> ((Chastity, I need you to roll ((Str + Dex, please))
[21:59] <Chastity> (Botch.)
[22:00] <James_Sessenwick> (Um... How did you botch?)
[22:01] <Chastity> (With a 1 and no successes? )
[22:01] <James_Sessenwick> (Failure.)
[22:01] <QuicksilverFox85> (Botches don't work that way in nWoD. Thankfully)
[22:01] <Nakibe> (Botch in nWoD is if you have no dice and roll a 1)
[22:02] <QuicksilverFox85> (Only way you can botch is on a chance die)
[22:02] <Chastity> (Hokay, fail then. )
[22:05] <@uhrwerk> One of the corpse-things suddenly pounces, leaping for Chastity's throat. Its cold, clammy hands grip at her shoulders, almost knocking Chastity off her feet... Then, miraculously, the thing overbalances itself. Unable to maintain its grip, it falls in a heap at her feet. ((Yeah, no suxx here either.))
[22:06] * Chastity looks startled, too startled to even scream. Then she just blinks there for a moment before bolting the other way.
[22:12] <Cherice> Cherice lunges for the stairs, just missing a wild swipe from one of those things. They smell terrible. She isn't sure what the smell is, and doesn't really want to know, either.
[22:13] <@uhrwerk> "Mr. Sessenwick... you have but... one chance. Satisfy my... curiosity. What... makes you... a man?"
[22:17] <James_Sessenwick> "...My past, I suppose." An admittedly honest answer at a time like this? That's odd. James would turn slightly and stalk back half a step.
[22:20] <@uhrwerk> The shadow seems to loom closer for a second, causing the hairs on the back of James' neck to stand up. "Facinating. Truly... that is not what I would have expected. Not from... one such... as you." A heel clicks behind James as Dr. Ashton takes a step back.
[22:21] <@uhrwerk> James hears whispers of something in an unfamiliar liquid language... suddenly rubber hoses, studded with syringe needle thorns, extrude from the floor to entangle the zombies, locking them in place.
[22:21] <@uhrwerk> "You may... proceed."
[22:21] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles shits bricks.
[22:21] <Cherice> "...What the hell just happened?"
[22:22] <Cherice> "I mean I'm not going to argue but... who was that?"
[22:23] <Tanya_Greene> "... The heck?" Tanya stammers.
[22:23] <James_Sessenwick> "...Don't argue it. We're... we're going." James says, then lets out a high-pitched, whispery "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...!" as he begins to go down the hall.
[22:24] <Tanya_Greene> Tanya stops arguing and keeps moving, hoping she doesn't run out of luck.
[22:24] <@uhrwerk> The hallway extends back a few feet, then begins to slope downward in a very long, very shallow staircase, lit by bare bulbs swinging from the ceiling.
[22:25] <Chastity> "Oh, good," murmured Chastity and hurried after the others. La la, no zombies.
[22:27] <James_Sessenwick> James shakes his head out again for good measure, and then head down the hallway. Well, it could be worse. It could be another hole.
[22:27] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles blankly follows behind James, there were some things not worth discussing.
[22:28] <Cherice> Yeah, you thought Cherice was gonna be different and stay? Hell no.
[22:28] <Cherice> She stays at the back, just to make sure they aren't followed.
[22:31] <@uhrwerk> As they descend, the blooms of rust and mold decorating the cinderblock walls give way to char and ash. Here and there, splotches of something darker fan out across the walls, seemingly pulsating in the shifting light of the swinging bulbs
[22:32] <Tanya_Greene> Tanya makes a mental note not to touch the walls, and notices the similarity to the ash cooridor she had been in when chased by the spiders.
[22:33] <Cherice> "Keep going!"
[22:34] <@uhrwerk> At the bottom of the staircase, a gaily-wrapped package sits on the floor. There's a gift tag clipped to its bow, addressed to "CheRicE MartIN"
[22:35] <Cherice> (I didn't realize that UPS does overnight shipping from hell.)
[22:35] <Miles_Brandenburg> (It's amazing what and where they'll deliver)
[22:35] <Tanya_Greene> (Even devils need jobs.)
[22:37] <Cherice> "...oh, how sweet. A present for me. I wonder how many tentacles are inside." Gingerly she kneels down and examines the box.
[22:37] <Tanya_Greene> (gotta sleep in a couple, uni tomorrow, but eeh, 15-20 minutes. >>))
[22:37] <@uhrwerk> (Tanya, Chastity, Miles, don't feel left out. I have plans for you guys too. >;) )
[22:37] <Tanya_Greene> (Yay.)
[22:37] <Tanya_Greene> (Or shall I say, Onoz!)
[22:37] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles' throat is to dry to respond.
[22:38] <@uhrwerk> The gift card opens to read, "Happy birthday, my love, and sorry it's late. Congrats on turning 2 -- I mean 28."
[22:38] <Cherice> "No shit, you're late. By about three months."
[22:38] <Cherice> Wait, who was this even from, anyway?
[22:39] <James_Sessenwick> "Open it. Maybe it's some fucking way out of here."
[22:39] <Cherice> "All right, but if I get fucked by syringe vines, I'm blaming you, kid." She opens the thing anyway.
[22:39] <Tanya_Greene> "It's a cardboard box, what's the worst it can do? >>"
[22:39] <James_Sessenwick> "If you get fucked by syringe vines, I won't be here to blame."
[22:40] <@uhrwerk> Inside, a cold, black, wrought-iron key sits nestled on a square of green velvet, embossed with a pastoral design of vines and leaves. The key is attached to a heart-shaped wooden fob.
[22:40] <Cherice> "'s a key?"
[22:41] <Cherice> "Step aside. I've got a hunch." And she looks for the lock to match, never mind that they're in a modern hospital and any locks should be electronic.
[22:41] <@uhrwerk> The door lacks a keyhole. And as Cherice searches fruitlessly, the credit crawl begins.
[22:42] <@uhrwerk> TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK
[22:42] <Tanya_Greene> It's a key without a lock! We're in Xeddefen!
[22:42] <Cherice> :o
[22:42] <Tanya_Greene> Isn't it obvious? We got attacked by zombies, too.
[22:42] <Cherice> Am I the only one who noticed that card had a rhyming scheme.
[22:43] <Tanya_Greene> Oh hey, it does...
[22:43] <James_Sessenwick> >look gnomes of zurich?
[22:43] <@uhrwerk> Next week, Chastity's gift. >:3
[22:43] <Cherice> :3
[22:43] <QuicksilverFox85> *chuckles*
[22:44] <Chastity> Dead puppies.
[22:44] <Tanya_Greene> I'd give her sunglasses, so she can't glare at us anymore. >>
[22:44] * Chastity is now known as kiyo
[22:44] * Cherice is now known as Kailan
[22:44] * Tanya_Greene is now known as DancerVeiled
[22:44] <DancerVeiled> Oh, did we like get Xp and stuff?
[22:44] <kiyo> She didn't glare this session. =_=
[22:44] <DancerVeiled> I don't think I tracked this or last game.
[22:44] * Miles_Brandenburg is now known as Brer_Lapine
[22:45] <@uhrwerk> Let's wait one more session for XP. You guys aren't quite clear of the basement's influence yet
[22:45] <DancerVeiled> Ah, good ol basement influence.
[22:45] <DancerVeiled> Kay! :3
[22:45] * DancerVeiled ( has left #deadhaus
[22:46] * Kailan ( Quit (Disintegrated: What is a Sidereal?! *wineglass smash!* A miserable little pile of Secrets! But enough talk, have at you!�)
[22:47] * QuicksilverFox85 ( has left #deadhaus
[22:48] * James_Sessenwick is now known as Bassist159
[22:48] * kiyo ( has left #deadhaus
[22:49] * Brer_Lapine ( has left #deadhaus
Session Close: Thu Jan 17 22:59:57 2008

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