Session 7

From Deadhaus

[21:27] <@uhrwerk> Alright, so does everyone remember where we left off? ;)
[21:28] <Tanya_Greene> Zombie jesus attacks!
[21:29] <@uhrwerk> Great. Everyone roll for initiative. ;)
[21:30] <Tanya_Greene> How do you do that again?)) XD
[21:30] <James_Sessenwick> (Summon greater plentimon?)
[21:30] <Nakibe> (Someone HAD to say "Zombie Jesus Attacks". Now I've got the urge to listen to Dragon Warrior's fight music. 9.9 )
[21:30] <@Cherice_Martin> ((I asked too, it's cool XD))
[21:30] <@uhrwerk> (Dex + Composure + 1d10)
[21:30] <James_Sessenwick> (BRBAFK.)
[21:30] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(1d10)+0:
[21:30] <Tanya_Greene> 4,+0((7+4 = 11.))
[21:31] <Nakibe> (Ah, well. SH1's final boss theme will do.)
[21:32] <@Cherice_Martin> (D:<< Where are my goddamn dice?)
[21:34] <@Cherice_Martin> (Fuck it, using voidstate. =_= 14.)
[21:35] <Miles_Brandenburg> (Why hasn't Kon put plentimon back on the fucking intertubes>!
[21:35] * Reku_Avakaza ( has joined #deadhaus
[21:35] <@Cherice_Martin> (Laziness.)
[21:35] <Miles_Brandenburg> (Mike do you trust me or should I use WoD dice roller?)
[21:35] <@uhrwerk> (If I didn't trust you guys, you wouldn't be here. :) )
[21:38] <James_Sessenwick> (Okay, now try that again.)
[21:38] <James_Sessenwick> (Roll for me, would someone?)
[21:40] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(1d10)+0:
[21:40] <Tanya_Greene> 8,+0
[21:40] <Tanya_Greene> Total:8
[21:40] <Tanya_Greene> ((You get an 8.))
[21:41] <James_Sessenwick> (13.)
[21:41] <Miles_Brandenburg> ((Void state scares me 8 10 8 1 9 4))
[21:42] <Miles_Brandenburg> ((10))
[21:42] <Miles_Brandenburg> (16)
[21:44] <@uhrwerk> The reanimated corpse of Jesus shambles forward out of the gloom, the shiny ocre mass atop its head shimmering and undulating strangely in the light thrown by Miles' flashlight.
[21:44] <James_Sessenwick> "...The fuck!?"
[21:44] <@Cherice_Martin> Oh fuck oh god oh god what the fuck is this shit.
[21:46] <@Cherice_Martin> Generally she's got a pretty strong stomach but this... yeah, she just might puke.
[21:46] <Tanya_Greene> "..." Tanya is wondering why zombies don't ever do that, and what it meant.
[21:46] <Tanya_Greene> She wasn't really into Call of Cthulthu but maybe that'd be a bad life decision.
[21:47] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles does the logical thing and slams the mag light into the side of it's head. "Christ!"
[21:48] <Miles_Brandenburg> ((1 7 9 1 9 9 = 3 successes))
[21:51] <@uhrwerk> The business end of the flashlight impacts the mass with a wet thump, flickers, and dies. Suddenly, the basement is plunged into darkness, alleviated only by the dim light of the fires from the hulking boilers
[21:52] <Tanya_Greene> ((Who the hell gave Miles my mag lite, anyway?))
[21:53] <@Cherice_Martin> "..." Her hands tighten around the wrench until her knuckles hurt from the strain.
[21:53] <Miles_Brandenburg> ((James?))
[21:53] <Miles_Brandenburg> (OR cherice?)
[21:53] <@Cherice_Martin> (I think it was me XD)
[21:53] <Tanya_Greene> ((Last I knew, nurse lady had it.))
[21:54] <Tanya_Greene> ((Ohwells.))
[21:54] <Miles_Brandenburg> "...Oops?"
[21:54] <James_Sessenwick> "...You MOTHERFUCKER!"
[21:55] <@Cherice_Martin> Whatever it is, it was wearing her dayworker's clothes. If that's still him in there... but if he's attacking, no way in hell is she going to just stand there and die. Decision time?
[21:56] <@uhrwerk> ((If she decides to attack, it's a Morality 4 offense.))
[21:58] <@Cherice_Martin> She moves backward, back towards the boilers, sweating from the stuffy heat. Or maybe it's a cold sweat, who knows. She doesn't attack but she does keep the weapon ready, in case Jesus does. Or whatever that thing is that's wearing his clothes.
[21:58] <@Cherice_Martin> (Going to hold my action, for now.)
[22:01] <James_Sessenwick> James actually backs up at this point, uttering a litany of curses as he digs around in his hoodie. "Miles, you motherfucker, you son of a bitch, when this is over, I'm gonna... you..." the rest isn't really safe for me to type in type in mixed company. However, he would dig out the lighter and hold it up, and light it. There, more light for him.
[22:02] <@Cherice_Martin> (She's about two seconds from freaking, so unless he goes down, she'll attack in the next round more than likely.)
[22:02] <Tanya_Greene> "What the hell do we do now?! Oh, man, this is fucking great, where's a goddamn submachinegun when you need one?!" Tanya breaks finally.
[22:03] <@uhrwerk> ((Tanya first, then the zombie))
[22:03] <Tanya_Greene> Then she was faced with the inevitable advance of zombie jesus. And nobody else wanted to seem to do anything about it, but one always knew that if you just backed up, Zombies would simply advance.
[22:04] <Tanya_Greene> Attempting to break the mould here, Tanya swings her crowbar at Jesus' chest, hoping that the low light wouldn't do much for his lurching gait being difficult to hit.
[22:04] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(5d10)+0:
[22:04] <Tanya_Greene> 4,3,4,9,3,+0
[22:04] <Tanya_Greene> Total:23
[22:04] <Tanya_Greene> ((1.))
[22:06] <@uhrwerk> ((-1 for being untrained in Weaponry, -2 for the low light... Tanya, give me a chance die.))
[22:06] <@uhrwerk> ((Excuse me, 2 dice. ))
[22:06] <Tanya_Greene> ((Oh, right.))
[22:07] <Tanya_Greene> ((Didn't know about teh penalties.))
[22:07] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(2d10)+0:
[22:07] <Tanya_Greene> 9,2,+0
[22:07] <Tanya_Greene> Total:11
[22:07] <Tanya_Greene> ((1 again.))
[22:07] <@uhrwerk> Tanya's crowbar connects solidly with the zombie's chest, its sharp point tearing his workshirt and digging out a gobbet of flesh. However, it keeps advancing...
[22:08] <Tanya_Greene> ((I'm suprised I actually hit him at all.))
[22:09] <@uhrwerk> The ghoul lets out a chilling crackling noise as its head distends and whips out to form a long, red tentacle. A tentacle that attempts to wrap itself around Miles' neck
[22:10] <@uhrwerk> (2 successes)
[22:10] <@Cherice_Martin> (DDDDD: Oh goddamnit/.)
[22:10] <@Cherice_Martin> (I HATED THOSE FUCKING THINGS.)
[22:10] <Miles_Brandenburg> (NO MORE TENTACLES D:<)
[22:10] <Tanya_Greene> ((Man miles is a fucking winner here for getting tentacled.))
[22:10] <Nakibe> (And all of this BEFORE Miles unlocks the schoolgirl uniform.)
[22:10] <James_Sessenwick> (Getentacle'd.)
[22:11] <@Cherice_Martin> (If this were a J-horror he'd enjoy it after the first five minutes anyway. :P)
[22:11] <James_Sessenwick> (Have we unlocked alternate costumes at this point?)
[22:11] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles lets out a girlish scream as once more a slimy tentacle begins to wrap around his body.
[22:11] <@uhrwerk> The tentacle secures itself around Miles' neck with a wet sucking sound. Trickles of blood run down his neck as the thing lifts him off the ground.
[22:13] <Miles_Brandenburg> He flails wildly and begins to beat at the tentacle with the hollowed remains of the mag-light.
[22:14] <Miles_Brandenburg> ((9 9 6 5 5 = 2 successes))
[22:16] <@uhrwerk> The zombie twitches as bits of gore fly from the tentacle to splay James and Tanya
[22:16] <@uhrwerk> *splash
[22:17] <James_Sessenwick> "...My fuckin' coat."
[22:17] <Tanya_Greene> "Eek!" Zombies didn't do that! Why was this zombie doing that?! ;_
[22:19] <@Cherice_Martin> Oh *hell* no. "Drop him, you son of a bitch!" Panic and anger, what a lovely combination. Without thinking about it, she makes a rough aim for the zombie and takes a hefty swing with the wrench in her hands and puts all of her muscle into it.
[22:20] <@Cherice_Martin> (3 sux.)
[22:20] <@uhrwerk> The... thing flails under Cherice's blows, knocking Miles against the rusted chainlink fence.
[22:21] <@uhrwerk> (Roll 3 dice, Cherice)
[22:21] <@Cherice_Martin> (Well, shit.)
[22:21] <@uhrwerk> (Okay... Her Morality drops to 6. Roll 6 dice to see if she goes crazy. ;) )
[22:22] <@Cherice_Martin> (3.)
[22:22] <@uhrwerk> (Okay. No Derangements... this time.)
[22:22] <@Cherice_Martin> (>:P)
[22:22] <Nakibe> (You survive with your sanity mostly intact, yay!)
[22:23] <@Cherice_Martin> (She'll probably go puke in the corner when it's done. :P)
[22:27] <James_Sessenwick> Seeing the other people attack managed to snap that rational, perhaps cowardly nature of James. He does the most heroic thing he can: he doesn't attack Miles. In fact, he attacks the zombie as hard as he can, screaming his head off as he tries to kill the thing.
[22:27] <James_Sessenwick> (9 dice / target number 8 / difficulty 1
[22:27] <James_Sessenwick> 6 10 3 7 5 8 3 10 5 vs TN 8 = 3 successes
[22:27] <James_Sessenwick> 3 successes
[22:27] <James_Sessenwick> )
[22:29] <@uhrwerk> The zombie lets out a shriek -- not from its body, but from the tentacle wrapped around Miles' neck --, staggers, and slumps. The tentacle loosens its grip and whips back from its prey, exposing an underside made of gnashing suction-cup mouths in the dim light of the basement.
[22:29] <@Cherice_Martin> (DDDDDDD:)
[22:30] <@Cherice_Martin> (Oh fuck that thing from The Mist.)
[22:30] <Tanya_Greene> ((I'm wishing I had a gun now, any kind would do.))
[22:30] <@uhrwerk> Miles falls in a heap at the bottom of the fence, bleeding from the multiple circular wounds which ring his neck.
[22:36] <@uhrwerk> ((Tanya, you're up))
[22:36] * Reku_Avakaza is now known as QuicksilverFox85
[22:37] <Tanya_Greene> ((I'm up? Oh. Sorries. XD))
[22:38] <Tanya_Greene> As James makes his attack, Tanya too attempts to join the multiple person flailing improvised death-implements surrounding zombie jesus. As dangerous as he might be, even zombies could be overwhelmed.
[22:38] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(2d10)+0:
[22:38] <Tanya_Greene> 10,9,+0
[22:38] <Tanya_Greene> Total:19 ((Wow, what a lucky trend with these 2 die attack rolls.))
[22:38] <Tanya_Greene> Roll(1d10)+0:
[22:38] <Tanya_Greene> 4,+0
[22:38] <Tanya_Greene> Total:4((And a 2.))
[22:38] <Nakibe> (He's not a zombie, he's an alien sent to destroy your brains.>:O(
[22:39] <Tanya_Greene> ((Whatever he is.))
[22:39] <Miles_Brandenburg> The pornstore clerk groaned as his warm blood stained his shirt, there were no witty remarks for shit like this.
[22:39] <@uhrwerk> Tanya lands a solid hit on the flailing corpse, knocking its right forearm clean off with her crowbar. Congealed blood and gore spray backward to coat the wall in a sicking fan
[22:39] <@uhrwerk> *sickening
[22:43] <@uhrwerk> The zombie-thing screams an almost-human scream (and is that backmasked speech mixed in?), and deliquesces into a puzzle of ichor... A puzzle which is quickly absorbed into the basement floor, leaving the barest stain to show its passing.
[22:43] <@uhrwerk> (Guh. Puddle. >.<)
[22:45] <Tanya_Greene> "... What... Was that thing?!" Tanya manages to shudder after the "zombie" flows under the floor.
[22:46] <@Cherice_Martin> Disregard that sound in the back, save that Cherice is too busy dry-heaving in the corner to answer.
[22:48] <James_Sessenwick> James has his jacket off, and is currently trying to wipe the sludgey bits off of it. The things he does to keep that poor hoodie clean.
[22:51] <Tanya_Greene> Tanya's standing in shock with her crowbar at her side, held limply. "Can't see..." she whimpers.
[22:52] <@Cherice_Martin> "..." Cherice coughs, wiping her mouth with the back of one hand, and turns towards the others. "Everyone okay?" Her voice has a weirdly flat quality to it.
[22:53] <Miles_Brandenburg> Miles is quietly whimpering, it's one thing to bash another guys face or kick a cop but this was something different.

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