Tonka Stonesplitter

From Davenrathh

Revision as of 20:49, 4 December 2006 by (Talk)

Here we go,

Tonka Stonesplitter is a young dwarf, but still the oldest of the group. He's a loyal cleric of the god Hanseath. That means he's a fighter and a drinker (as his god commands). He doesn't have much brains, but when it comes to combat, he's all business. Being the oldest of the group, Tonka knows full well the dangers of the city and those lurking outside the city walls. He's dedicated his life to his god Hanseath and through his guidance, he tries to watch over his friends in every situation they may get themselves into. To ensure his place as a guardian, he made a deal with the local thieves guild. Full-plate mail for $3000 gold. His deal was made to ensure to his friends safety though he now treads in very dangerous territory himself with every step in the city.

Stats: Str: 18 Dex: 12 Con: 20 Int: 7 Wis: 16 Cha: 9 Total: 80

Alignment: Chaotic Good/ Domains: Strength + War / Deity: Hanseath / Weapon: Large Great Axe / Armor: Full-Plate Mail w/ Buckler / Equipment: None

Feat Progression: 1. Monkey Grip 3. Sacred Vengeance 4. Power Attack 6. Domain Focus (Strength) 7. Improved Sunder 9. Cleave 11. Improved Critical 12. Combat Reflexes 14. Robilar's Gambit 15. Divine Armor 17. Great Cleave 18. Armor Specialization

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