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Dina-Dae Tal'withrel
Dina-Dae Tal'withrel (Dean-a Day Tel'withrel)
Dina Dae (meaning Night Shadow in elven) is a half-drow ranger who has lived most of his know life in Dalton. Raised by braden, his stepfather, Din as his friends have come to call him due to the impossibliity of pronoucing his elven name, has always been a very curious and inqiusitive elf. Having been caught many times for trying to sneak out of the town at night to go play in the woods, He has learned somewhat how to sneak past people and move around without being detected. He has not mastered these skills as he has been unable to escape breden and the town guards. Another thing that has always puzzeled Din is the secrets of his race. Din knows only what breden has told him and what he has learned in the small number of books at the dalton library. He does know that people often look at him as if he is a threat or like he is carrying a hand crossbow. This has been very uncomfortable for Din and as a result he has been a very shy teen (hense Charisma -2). He has a very deep interest in finding waht these "dark" secrets are about his race.
Dina Dae (meaning Night Shadow in elven) is a half-drow ranger who has lived most of his know life in Dalton. Raised by braden, his stepfather, Din as his friends have come to call him due to the impossibliity of pronoucing his elven name, has always been a very curious and inqiusitive elf. Having been caught many times for trying to sneak out of the town at night to go play in the woods, He has learned somewhat how to sneak past people and move around without being detected. He has not mastered these skills as he has been unable to escape breden and the town guards. Another thing that has always puzzeled Din is the secrets of his race. Din knows only what breden has told him and what he has learned in the small number of books at the dalton library. He does know that people often look at him as if he is a threat or like he is carrying a hand crossbow. This has been very uncomfortable for Din and as a result he has been a very shy teen (hense Charisma -2). He has a very deep interest in finding waht these "dark" secrets are about his race.

Current revision as of 01:19, 3 December 2006

Dina-Dae Tal'withrel (Dean-a Day Tel'withrel)

Dina Dae (meaning Night Shadow in elven) is a half-drow ranger who has lived most of his know life in Dalton. Raised by braden, his stepfather, Din as his friends have come to call him due to the impossibliity of pronoucing his elven name, has always been a very curious and inqiusitive elf. Having been caught many times for trying to sneak out of the town at night to go play in the woods, He has learned somewhat how to sneak past people and move around without being detected. He has not mastered these skills as he has been unable to escape breden and the town guards. Another thing that has always puzzeled Din is the secrets of his race. Din knows only what breden has told him and what he has learned in the small number of books at the dalton library. He does know that people often look at him as if he is a threat or like he is carrying a hand crossbow. This has been very uncomfortable for Din and as a result he has been a very shy teen (hense Charisma -2). He has a very deep interest in finding waht these "dark" secrets are about his race. Having never felt dalton as a welcoming home, Din has a very strong interest in getting freed of the town and doing some exploring. As he is only half drow he can stand sunlight ok, but would much rather move at night as he can see well and it provides much better cover.

For Din's 18th birthday breden took him and the other kids to the circus. During the course of the show someone made a mistake back stage and one of the big cat cages was opened. This perticular cage has a mother and four cubs in it. in the comotion the mother was able to be put back in the cage but the cubs escaped. The morther cat began going crazy and trying to escape the cage with intense force of a mother who just lost her cubs. No trainer or circus person could get close to her. The show had stopped for the moment. While everyone was waiting and the the workers of the circus searchered. Din hear something from under some equitment behind his seat. Din sneaked from his seat and went to investigate. Finding the four cubs he was able to coux them into coming over to him. He then picked up the cats and brought them out to the manager of the circus. The Manager was so thrilled that he had the cubs that he asked Din (having seen he must be and animal lover) to come after the circus and he could meet all the animals. Din Agreeed and the show went on. Afterwards Breden and the boys went to meet the animal. When Din approched the cage with the cats all the cats came over remembering. The mother cat also came over and laid down near the edge of the cage as if to say thank you. One Cub in perticular was very excited to see Din And kept following him as he went around the cage. The mother Cat then picked up the cub by the scruff of his neck and brought him to the cage enterence and then turned his back. Din was offered by the circus manager to pick up the cub and he accepted. After playing with the cub for a bit he went to return it but the cub didn't want to leave and the mother kept putting the cub back at dims feet as if to say take it. The Circus manager said that this ment the mother no longer wanted the cub and asked Din if he would like the cat as a thankyou for helping. Since then on Quali (Meaning Hunter in elvish) has been his pet. The Cat is only a cub now and will be full grown in a year or two.

Since getting the cat last year Din's life has been a lot brighter. Having little social skills or effort to learn them Din finally had a friend that he could relate to. He seemed to have a natural ability to communicate his feelings with animals ( anmial empithy). Quali has always been more than happy to go out for night sneaks around the town and since having the cat Din has managed to sneak out of the town a few times and step into the forests (not very far tho). Quali has very keen senses even as a cub and never seemes to want to go far into the wild. Din always agrees. Still the cat has been able to teach Din much as he learns the arts of stalking and a few survival methods, as well as how to track. The two are very close and are toughter almost all the time.

The cat has brought a bit more attention to the already standingout drow... but Din minds little. At least now he has a friend.

If ever given the oppertunity Din would gladly leave dalton. Not the he perticularly dislikes the city... just that it is not really home. He has not found his home yet, and hopes to find one, as well as some others of his race. Or at least some information about the black elves.

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