SPC-045 (4chan)

From Database

Item#: SPC-045

Current Location: Security locker room 14G.

Special Containment Procedures: SPC-045 is non-violent, unlike other collected items and as such does not require special protection for maintenance staff. It does not self-animate nor does it require the activation or interaction of human/non-human lifeforms to animate it. SPC-045 does however have some interesting properties accustom to its exposure to the visible wave spectrum. Most noticeably, as seen in the cataloging photo *seen right*, it reacts to light by changing the color of its paints. Security and maintenance personnel report the statue changes color every time they check Sec.LR 14G on their daily rounds.

ANY change in this behavior should be reported to the acting HMCL supervisor on duty.

It is advised that security and maintenance staff take a digital camera to record any new color variations they may encounter with SPC-045.

Description: First discovered in 1974. Location of first discovery is classified. Location of second discovery is classified. It is comprised of a solid hardwood and is covered from top to bottom with a lead-based paint. An estimated 147 unique color variations have been recorded since its move here and their meaning has yet to be deciphered.

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