Main Page
From Darn
- April-May, 2006
- I am working on NDARS wiki where most content can be copied to this wiki -jw
- This alert box can be added to any page with this template: {{Alerts}}
- Contributors contact User:Admin for assistance.
- For orientation, go to Site map or Community portal
- Daily reads: Alert page - Hot spots - News page - Recent changes - Requests for assistance
Contents |
- Disaster Animal Relief Network (DARN)
- "the wiki encyclopedia for disaster animal relief"
- Thank you for visiting the DARN wiki. This wiki launched Sunday April 9, 2006. A lot of new structural pages need to be added. For examples visit the sister wiki at
- Create a new user account, login and introduce yourself. Anonymous posts should be limited to the Suggestions page. Plans for structuring the wiki can be posted in the Community portal for now. Use the discussion tabs at the top of each page for informal posts. If discussion gets heavy, I will set up a DARN forum on Yahoo Groups. If you need a crash course in wiki stuff, use the local Help:Contents or for more help go here (my other project).
- This wiki belongs to the community of users. The more you use, the more you own. Enjoy.
- --admin 21:57, 9 April 2006 (PDT)
This wiki is a neutral gathering place for people involved in rescue, relief, and reuniting animals caught up in disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, and earthquakes. The planning time frame is for the next disaster. This wiki fosters communication between animal welfare communities separated by geography and interests. Groups may use the resources on this wiki to add new channels of communication. <plain_html> <script> var frappr_mapheight = 300; var frappr_mapwidth = 300; var frappr_maplat = 40.98; var frappr_maplon = -98.14; var frappr_mapzoom = 13; var frappr_host = "";var gid = 628440;</script> <script src=""></script> </plain_html>
Goals and Objectives
DARN goals are to:
- Provide a meeting place for different animal groups to share plans & resources
- Introduce the benefits of wiki technology and other internet technologies
- Create a knowlege base for sharing information to:
- Coordinate requests for assistance between groups
- Categorize links to resources on the internet
- Document national, regional, state, county and local resources
- Prepare for disasters
- Train relief workers
- Store supplies
- Transport routes and drivers
- Assist animal groups create their own DARN wiki pages to:
- Provide contact information and description of the group
- Provide custom portals for group members to enter the wiki
- Assist animal groups create their own wiki sites:
- Available at, or other compatible wiki farm.
- The recommended WikiEngine is MediaWiki, the one used by Wikipedia
- Other WikiEngines are good choices, but Wikipedia offers a huge knowledge base of useful public domain text markup and media that can easily be copy/pasted or uploaded.