Main Page

From Darn

Revision as of 21:47, 9 April 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
DARN Disaster Animal Relief Network




This wiki is a neutral gathering place for people involved in rescue and relief for animals caught up in disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, and earthquakes. The planning time frame is for the next disaster. When disasters strike, each group will depend on their own channels for communication and will use this wiki to locate needed resources.


DARN goals are to:

  1. Provide a meeting place for different groups to share plans
  2. Introduce the benefits of wiki technology and other internet technologies
  3. Create a knowlege base for sharing information to:
    1. Coordinate requests for assistance between groups
    2. Categorize links to resources on the internet
    3. Categorize national, regional, state, county and local resources
    4. Prepare for disasters
      1. Train relief workers
      2. Store supplies
      3. Transport routes and drivers
  4. Assist animal groups create their own wiki pages to:
    1. Provide contact information and description of the group
    2. Provide a portal for group members to enter the wiki
  5. Assist animal groups create their own wiki site at or other compatible wikifarm.
    1. The preferred WikiEngine is MediaWiki, the one used by Wikipedia.
    2. Other WikiEngines are good choices, but Wikipedia offers a huge knowledge base of useful public domain text markup that can easily be copy/pasted.

Editorial Viewpoint

This wiki will follow the model created by Wikipedia and will become the "Wikipedia for disaster animal relief". This means the Neutral Point of View (NPOV) is the preferred editorial viewpoint. Controversy will be directed to the talk sections of the wiki. If debates become toxic, they will be pushed further into quarantine sections. Posts that are libelous will be removed.


For examples of wikis used for disaster animal relief and rescue see or NDARS wiki which is just getting started.

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