Main Page

From Darn

Revision as of 21:00, 9 April 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
DARN Disaster Animal Relief Network


This wiki is a gathering place for people involved in rescue and relief for animals caught up in disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, and earthquakes.

The goals are to:

  1. Introduce the benefits of wiki technology
  2. Create a knowlege base for sharing information to:
    1. Coordinate requests for assistance
    2. Categorize links to resources on the internet
    3. Categorize State and city resources
    4. Prepare for disasters
  3. Assist animal groups with their own wiki pages to:
    1. Provide contact information and description of the group
    2. Provide a portal for group members to enter the wiki
    3. Creat their own wiki at or other wikifarm.
  4. Provide a meeting place for different groups to share plans

This wiki will follow the model created by Wikipedia will be the "Wikipedia for disaster animal relief".

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