Brazilian Imperial Navy

From Daily Escape

The Brazilian Imperial Navy (Portuguese: Marinha Imperial Brasileira) is the branch of the Brazilian military tasked with the maritime defense of the nation. It has approximately 212,000 personnel in active service and 79,000 in the reserves. The navy's inventory includes 172 ships in active service and 2,480 operational aircraft. Admiral Pablo Inácio Neto commands the navy.


[edit] Mission

  • Sea patrols of territorial waters
  • Establish presence in disputed territorial waters and protect current interests
  • Anti-piracy, anti-smuggling, search and rescue
  • Maintain security of territorial waters
  • Active logistical support role of combatants and island garrisons
  • Maintain security of Sea Lines of Communications


  • Littoral defense of local seas
  • Blockade or protection of vital ship routes and choke points
  • Tactical transport, support, and amphibious operations of ground forces
  • Air defense
  • Anti-submarine operations
  • Engagement of enemy shipping
  • Active logistical support role of combatants and island garrisons

[edit] Organization

The navy is organized into several operational fleets, which are as follows:

[edit] Amphibious fleet

The amphibious fleet has permanently assigned amphibious vessels to transport Army personnel. A small number of frigates are assigned to the fleet on a short-term basis to act as escorts.

[edit] Battle fleet

The battle fleet is comprised of the majority of the navy's destroyers, frigates, and corvettes, assigned on a long-term basis.

[edit] Aviation fleet

The aviation fleet is assigned aircraft carriers, which are escorted by destroyers and frigates (assigned on a long-term basis).

[edit] Submarine fleet

The navy's submarines are all assigned to this fleet - as can be surmised by the name.

[edit] Inventory

[edit] Surface combatants

[edit] Cruisers

  • 5 Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers
    • 1 HH-60H Rescue Hawk combat search and rescue helicopter
    • 1 MH-60R Seahawk multimission maritime helicopter

[edit] Destroyers

  • 8 Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyers
    • 2 SH-60B Seahawk multimission maritime helicopters

[edit] Frigates

  • 9 La Fayette class frigates
    • 1 AS 565 SA/SB anti-submarine warfare helicopter
  • 3 Niterói class frigates
    • 1 Super Lynx 300 maritime attack helicopter

[edit] Corvettes

  • 4 Inhaúma class corvettes
    • 1 Super Lynx 300 maritime attack helicopter

[edit] Aircraft carriers

  • 1 Pedro II class supercarrier
    • 50 F/A-18 Hornet multirole fighters
    • 15 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet carrier-borne strike fighters
    • 5 EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft
    • 6 C-12 Huron RC-12D electronic surveillance aircraft
    • 4 E-2D Advanced Hawkeye AEW aircraft
    • 2 C-2 Greyhound carrier borne transports
    • 6 Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk multimission maritime helicopters
      • 2 SH-60B Seahawk surface warfare helicopters
      • 2 SH-60F Oceanhawk anti-submarine warfare and search and rescue helicopters
      • 2 HH-60H Rescue Hawk combat search and rescue helicopters
    • 12 Eurocopter Panther utility helicopters
      • 3 AS 565 MA/MB naval search and rescue helicopters
      • 3 AS 565 SA/SB anti-submarine warfare helicopters
      • 3 AS 565 N3 maritime patrol and surveillance helicopters
      • 3 Panther 800 light utility helicopters
  • 1 Brasília class training aircraft carrier
    • 35 T-45 Goshawk naval trainers
      • 20 T-45A two-seat basic and advanced jet trainers
      • 15 T-45Cs (improved version of the T-45A)
    • 10 F/A-18B Hornet two-seat trainers
    • 10 TAV-8B Harrier II two-seat trainers
    • 10 Bell Griffin HT1 advanced training helicopters
    • 15 TC-12B naval trainers

[edit] Submarines

[edit] Attack submarines

[edit] Nuclear
  • 3 Los Angeles class attack submarines (SSN)
[edit] Non-nuclear
  • 10 Type 209 class attack submarines (SSK)
  • 5 Scorpène class attack submarines (SSK)

[edit] Ballistic missile submarines

  • 2 Vanguard class ballistic missile submarines (SSBN)

[edit] Cruise missile submarines

  • 2 Ohio class cruise missile submarines (SSGN)

[edit] Mine warfare vessels

  • 5 Avenger class mine countermeasures ships
  • 5 Osprey class coastal minehunters

[edit] Patrol craft

[edit] Coastal

  • 10 Armidale class patrol vessels
  • 2 River class patrol vessels
  • 4 Kingston class patrol vessels

[edit] Inshore

  • 30 Patrol Boat, River (PBR)
  • 10 Fast Patrol Craft (PCF)

[edit] Amphibious ships

[edit] Amphibious assault ships

  • 2 Tarawa class amphibious assault ships (LHA)
    • 16 CH-46 Sea Knight assault helicopters
    • 5 CH-53 Sea Stallion heavy-lift cargo helicopters
    • 4 UH-1 Iroquois multipurpose utility helicopters
  • 4 Wasp class amphibious assault ships (LHD)
    • 6 AV-8B Harrier II STOVL strike aircraft
    • 4 AH-1W SuperCobra attack helicopters
    • 12 CH-46 Sea Knight assault helicopters
    • 3 CH-53 Sea Stallion heavy-lift cargo helicopters
    • 3 UH-1N Twin Huey multipurpose utility helicopters

[edit] Amphibious command ship

  • 1 Blue Ridge class command ship

[edit] Landing Ship, Dock

  • 4 Whidbey Island class Landing Ship, Dock (LSD)
  • 2 Harper's Ferry class Landing Ship, Dock (LSD)
  • 2 Bay class Landing Ship, Dock (LSD)

[edit] Landing Port, Dock

  • 5 LPD 4 Austin class Landing Port, Dock (LPD)
  • 3 San Antonio class Landing Port, Dock (LPD)

[edit] Landing Ship, Tank

  • 7 Newport class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)

[edit] Auxillaries

[edit] Fast combat support ships

  • 4 Supply class fast combat support ships
    • 3 MH-60S Knighthawk transport and vertical replenishment helicopters

[edit] Fleet replenishment oilers

  • 5 Henry J. Kaiser class oilers
    • 1 MH-60S Knighthawk transport and vertical replenishment helicopter

[edit] Salvage ships

  • 2 Alte. Guilhem class salvage tugs

[edit] Submarine tenders

  • 1 Emory S. Land class submarine tender

[edit] Tankers

  • 1 Alte. Gastão Motta class tanker
  • 1 Marajó class tanker
  • 1 Potengi class tanker

[edit] Hospital ships

  • 1 Dr. Montenegro class hospital ship

[edit] Cargo ships

  • 3 Fast Sealift Ship cargo ships
  • 1 Lewis and Clark class dry cargo ship

[edit] Ammunition ships

  • 2 Kilauea class ammunition ships
    • MH-60S Knighthawk transport and vertical replenishment helicopters

[edit] Naval aviation

The navy also has a large aviation element, comprising numerous aircraft, whose roles include the following:

  • Fleet
  • Strike
  • Ground attack
  • Reconnaissance
  • Anti-submarine warfare
  • Anti-surface warfare
  • Replenishment-at-sea
  • Support of amphibious operations
  • Search and rescue

The naval aviation's inventory is listed as follows (note that these do not include aircraft stationed on carriers and other ships, or aircraft assigned to the Marine Corps):

  • F/A-18 Hornet multirole fighter
    • F/A-18A: Single-seat version
    • F/A-18B: Two-seat trainer
    • F/A-18C: Single-seat version
    • F/A-18D: Two-seat version
  • F/A-18E/F Super Hornet carrier-borne strike fighter
    • EA-18G Growler: Electronic warfare variant
  • CH-46 Sea Knight assault helicopter
    • CH-46A: Assault, utility medium transport, and search and rescue version
    • UH-46A: Utility medium transport version
    • HH-46A: Search and rescue version
    • RH-46A: Minesweeping version
    • CH-46D: Assault and utility medium transport version
    • UH-46D: Utility transport version
  • AH-1 SuperCobra attack helicopter
    • AH-1T Improved SeaCobra
    • AH-1W SuperCobra
  • UH-1N Twin Huey multipurpose utility helicopter
    • HH-1N search and rescue helicopter
    • UH-1Y Venom medium utility helicopter
  • CH-53E Super Stallion heavy-lift cargo helicopter
  • MH-53E Sea Dragon mine countermeasures helicopter
  • Eurocopter Panther utility helicopter
    • AS 565 UA/UB: Utility version
    • AS 565 AA/AB: Attack version
    • AS 565 MA/MB: Naval search and rescue version
    • AS 565 SA/SB: Anti-submarine warfare version
    • AS 565 N3: Maritime patrol and surveillance version
    • Panther 800: Light utility version
  • AV-8 Harrier II STOVL jet multirole aircraft
    • AV-8B Harrier II: Night attack version
    • AV-8C Harrier: Upgraded version
    • TAV-8B Harrier II: Two-seat trainer version
    • BAE Harrier II: STOVL strike aircraft
  • Agusta A109 utility helicopter
    • A109LUH: Light utility version
    • A109A Mk.II MAX: Aeromedical evacuation version
    • A109K2: Search and rescue/air ambulance version
    • MH-68A Stingray: Short range armed interdiction version
  • Bell 412 multipurpose utility helicopter
    • Bell Griffin HT1: Advanced training version
    • Bell Griffin HAR2: Search and rescue version
    • Agusta-Bell AB 412 Grifone: Military utility transport version
  • Westland Lynx helicopter
    • Super Lynx 300: Maritime attack version
  • Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk multimission maritime helicopter
    • SH-60B Seahawk: Surface warfare version
    • SH-60F Oceanhawk: Anti-submarine warfare and search and rescue version
    • HH-60H Rescue Hawk: Combat search and rescue version
    • MH-60S Knighthawk: Transport and vertical replenishment version
    • MH-60R Seahawk: Multimission version
  • Lockheed S-3 Viking anti-submarine aircraft
    • KS-3A: Air tanker version
    • KS-3B: Air tanker version
    • US-3A: COD version
  • E-2 Hawkeye AEW aircraft
    • E-2C: Improved version with new electronics, surveillance radar, and search radar
    • E-2D Advanced Hawkeye: Latest version
  • EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft
  • C-2 Greyhound carrier borne transport
  • C-12 Huron civil utility aircraft
    • TC-12B: Navy training version
    • RC-12D: Electronic surveillance version
  • P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft
    • UP-3A: Utility transport version
    • EP-3E Aries II: ELINT version
    • EP-3J: FEWSG version
    • P-3N: Coast guard version
    • CP-140 Aurora: Longe-range maritime reconnaissance, anti-submarine warfare version
  • T-45 Goshawk naval trainer
    • T-45A: Two-seat basic and advanced jet trainer
    • T-45B: Land-based version
    • T-45C: Improved T-45A with glass cockpit, inertial navigation, and other improvements
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