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Multi-Interface Logistics and Security Shell unit. Colloquially referred to as MILES.

MILES is a sort of omnipresent AI built into Skyfire's house by his father, Tetratek. It is a highly advanced computer, and has been bestowed with control over much of the residence. Some of it's responsibilities include climate control, energy regulation, securing the residence when no one is there, alerting authorities in the case of theft or emergency, acting as satellite dish, internet, and phone line. MILES can only be programmed by Sky or Tek; these are also the only two individuals whose voice commands it responds to.

The AI of this computer is extremely developed, imitating sentience so well that many first-time visitors have to be reminded that the residence is sparkless. Of course, it doesn't help that Skyfire finds it easier to hold meaningful conversations with MILES than with his own dad.

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