Yoga place

From Create Your Own Story

You pull off your shirt, then take a shower, and pull on some spandex shorts, a pair of sweat pants, and a wife beater. You go down to the yoga center, and ask a woman at the desk about the job. She has you fill out some forms, and then sends you into a training room. You walk in and see a man in front of the room on a mat.

“Hey, my name’s Chet. Welcome to trainer’s training.” He laughs at the redundancy of his statement and then becomes trainer serious again “You can start over there next to Heidi.”

He gestures for you to stand at a mat next to another woman. There are six of you in all taking the training. For the next hour or so you do you best to keep up with Chet and do what he asks you to do. You think you’re doing pretty well, you feel good, you feel flexible, you feel pretty confident that you can do this job. Finally a steady job! Then Chet says it, “Hey girly, I’m going to need to see you after class. We need to talk.”

‘Need to talk?’ What about? Suddenly you’re not so sure you’re going to get the job. You mind races as the six of you finish up the angry flower pose. What should you do?

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