YWD: Give them the slip and return to Daphne later?

From Create Your Own Story

You invent a story about having found the clothes lying abandoned, and say that you think you saw a nude girl running off into the distance. You indicate a direction, and you all head off to search for the streaker. A few minutes later you manage to lose them, and double back to return to the kennels. However you are dismayed to find Daphne missing. You leave her clothes outside Brutus's kennel, hoping Daphne will return, and you go off in search of her. Later, at lunchtime, all the kids gather outside the farmhouse, and you see Daphne wearing different clothes. She catches your eye but gives you a stony look. You figure she will take a long time to forgive you, if she ever does at all. The rest of the day passes uneventfully, and the bus takes you back to school at the end of the afternoon.


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