Xavier Grant, a large, burly man rumored to have been a pirate at some point and his trading style reflects that pretty well *Black dress 2+Duran*

From Create Your Own Story

"His name is Xavier Grant, a foreigner and ex-sailor who recently started quite an ambitious business around here and has been quite successful since." he frowns as he continues "He's brought an unbelievable amount of personal funds to bear, tough it isn't quite clear where those personal funds came from. Most of those who had the guts to question that, mysteriously disappeared..

After a meaningful look and dramatic pause, he continues "Rumor has it he used to be a feared pirate who ruled the seas and controlled the trade of rare ores. Some say he still does while pretending to be an honest trader."

he breaks off the story at that point and looks you in the eye seriously. "I don't know why you wanted to know about him, but let me warn you as a friend. This guy is a lot more trouble than you've ever gotten involved with, so please don't try to play the hero of justice okay?"

You :

Laugh weakly and tell him not to worry

"Time I pay the old coat a visit then hmm?"

"Ah don't worry, I wasn't gonna mess with him at all.. except for getting married is all"

Health 100 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Awkward Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 50, 00, 00
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