Watch how the scene with Jackie and the figure unfolds

From Create Your Own Story

Besides, you don't feel like leaving your hiding spot just yet. You decide that the figure is probably just one of the guys. Or even better, one of the girls. The thought of what might unfold when either Nikki or Chris discovers the nude Jackie heightens your arousal.

Unfortunately, the figure is none of the above. As it enters the moonlight, it forms into a tall and gaunt man. You've never seen a person this thin before. You didn't know humans could be this thin.

Clad in black, a gas mask conceals his face. In his hands, is a felling axe.

Only when he's a few feet away from her does Jackie take note of his presence. She's too stunned to even scream. She tries to slowly back away from the man, while still covering her breasts with her arm and her crotch with her hand.

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Slasher's Body Count:
Live:You (a guy who likes girls), Nikki, Tomas, Andrew, Chris, Jackie
Dead:No one... yet
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