Victim: pick on the girl across from you

From Create Your Own Story

"Hey, slut, I got a... Ew, man, are you serious?" you say, changing your tone once you realize what she is doing.

"Shut up," she says, continuing with what she's doing. "You're just mad because I'm hot and you're not."

You feel like you are about to puke. You turn your head but then turn back around when you feel someone sit next to you. It's some emo/goth-looking guy.

"Can I help you?" you ask in your normal seductive/cold tone and he turns to you, raising a brow. "It's my normal voice, trust me."

"No, just sitting here. Is that a problem?" he asks in monotone.

"Nope. Usualy everyone wants to sit by little miss beauty slut princess over there," you say, pointing across from you and he laughs.

Then he stops laughing and turns around quickly, face red. "Is she...?" he asks and you nod.

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 14 books,paper,pencils
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