VRX 9000: Sex Games / Scenario X

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Winter Cabin: Multiplayer

Battle Royale: Part 1


The game finally starts and all the girls move at once. Because you've selected 'Scenario X', the girls are situated around the couches as follows. On the southern couch from west to east are Asuna, Korra, Saeko. On the east couch from south to north are Mikasa, Kallen, Annie. On the north couch from east to west are Yoko, Rin, CC. On the west couch from north to south are Yoruichi, Hinata, Saya.

Everyone jumps up and it is a blur of movement and yelling as the girls shove past each other and yell at each other and everyone tries to do everything at once. On the south couch Korra finds herself in the middle and eyes the two girls on either side of her. As a lesbian both girls look extremely attractive to her and Korra has a hard time making up her mind. Eventually Korra decides to go for the easier route and sets her eyes on the smaller girl Asuna. Just as the game starts Korra grabs for some handcuffs on the coffee table then reaches out to grab Asuna before she can slip out the west side of the couch. Asuna gets caught and gets drug down to the floor but fights back fiercely. Korra is caught off guard and Asuna manages to slip out of her grasp when Korra tries to get the handcuffs on her. Cursing Korra watches Asuna scoot back into the corner of the room in a defensive position and decides to give it up. Looking around Korra spots Saeko moving into the main hallway and moves to follow her.

On the eastern couch Kallen doesn't have a chance. On either side of her are Mikasa and Annie, two girls that have worked together for a long time and are obviously friends. When the game starts Kallen tries to scramble off the couch but the two both grab her and pull her back. Mikasa and Annie give each other a knowing look, cementing the fact that they'll be working together in this game, and start to restrain the kicking and fighting Kallen who isn't going down easily. The two glance up from time to time to make sure no one will bother them, and no one does. No one wants to mess with an alliance this early in the game.

Meanwhile on the north couch CC immediately flees deciding she has a much better chance sneaking around the house than in an all out grab at the beginning. Rin to her side looks small enough to take but CC decides not to risk it. CC runs for the western hallway and disappears from sight planning on watching and waiting for the perfect time to strike. Yoko has other plans and decides to be more aggressive against the middle girl. Rin realizes she is easy prey however and takes the opportunity of Yoko reaching for items to jump back over the couch and run for the back door. Rin looks back and spots Yoko following so flings open the glass door frowning and runs out onto the porch pulling it shut behind her hoping to outrun her opponent.

Lastly on the western couch Yoruichi picks a fight with Hinata deciding the girl is too tame to put up much of a fight. Yoruichi plans on playing smart, but Hinata is just too good of a prize to pass up at the beginning. Yoruichi pulls Hinata back onto the couch when she tries to get up and runs her arms around her keeping her there. Hinata puts up a stronger fight than Yoruichi anticipates however and the two end up rolling around on the couch almost falling off as Yoruichi attempts to maintain her dominant position. Saya takes advantage of the two fighting and grabs up a bunch of items. Attempting to leave south Saya stops watching Korra and Asuna go at it and is relieved when Asuna escapes and Korra runs off down the main hall. Saya attempts to escape then but runs into the recovering Asuna. The two glance nervously at each other for a moment before Saya calls for a quick alliance and the flustered Asuna agrees. The two decide to sneak past the team on the east couch and run into the kitchen and past into the eastern hallway.

In the main hallway Saeko, thinking she is home free, runs into the northern bunk-bed room and starts scouting around for items. When the door slams open with Korra coming for her Saeko barely has time to react. Seako makes a run for it and runs into the bathroom trying to close the door behind her. Korra is too quick however and manages to slam into the door just in time. Saeko retreats to the shower room but by that time she realizes she is at a dead end. Korra grins and goes for her prize and the two struggle in the shower room before Korra finally gets the better of Saeko. Korra closes and locks the bathroom doors to have some privacy with her new prize.

Outside Yoko pulls opens the screen door and spots Rin disappearing around the hot tub. Yoko drops her items next to the hot tub and runs after her to find Rin has stopped, the snow too think in that direction to escape. With her small amount of clothing Rin doesn't go forward, the outside too cold. Rin turns around the inevitable fight and Yoko gladly jumps her. Yoko quickly wins out despite Rin being very stubborn and manages to drag her back to the hot tub to try and restrain her.

In the eastern hallway Asuna and Saya decide to bunker up for the first few minutes and make their way to the southern king-sized bedroom and lock all the doors waiting for the first minutes to pass. The two find some more items and makes a stock for use later on in the game. In the western hallway CC spots Korra chase Saeko into the bathroom and slowly maneuvers into position to jump the winner of their fight whenever they come out.


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