VRX 9000: Sex Games / Right Card (LLRR).
From Create Your Own Story
VRX 9000: Sex Games
Random Adventures - Bondage Lisa
Part 1: The Card Game
Card Flip:
You choose the right card and Lisa flips the two over. It looks like you have chosen the lower card and Lisa gets to make an advance on you.
The Story:
You glare at the cards as they are revealed then shift your glare to Lisa as she laughs at your disappointing face. "Don't even say it!" You pout, turning away as she just grins in amusement at successfully denying your orgasm. So mean! Lisa just grins and lays back a bit and indicates for you to continue stripping from earlier. You roll your eyes and strip out of your top and bra with just a light blush letting your large busty breasts bounce out much to Lisa's enjoyment. Once again you question if Lisa is as straight as she claims. You find yourself completely naked and extremely horny under her thumb letting her do whatever she wants to you. You just hope she doesn't try to spank you again as you sit there unconsciously pouting still.
"Now to continue our lessons." Lisa practically purrs jumping off the bed to grab her things. You feel your heart drop and idly wonder if you could get away with touching yourself while she disappears into her closet. You decide not to in the end playing fair but just stare in shock when she walks out with two large boards and props them against the end of the bed. "No talking or you are getting spanked again." Lisa warns as you open your mouth with several questions making you shut it just as quit. What is her plan? They have holes cut in them. To your surprise she slides them into slots built into the foot end of her bed putting the bottom board on with a larger half circle cut in the mirror. Lisa looks at you then to the board. "Over here." She indicates.
Not sure you like where this is going you slowly get off the bed and walk sulking over to her where the small blonde bends you over the board pushing you forward until your thighs are pressed against the end of the bed and your waist is in the circle. To your surprise she slides another large board on pinning your waist in that position. "Hey!" You say a little worried split in half by the board with your upper body over the bed with your lower body standing awkwardly bent over past it.
You get a hard spank on your ass which makes you howl before shutting up again remembering her warning. Lisa then pulls your arms up hard arching your back and making you extremely uncomfortable until pulling them through two smaller half-circle on the top of the second board. She then quickly adds a third pinning your arms, specifically your wrists, back and above you awkwardly to where your back is permanently arched and your busty breasts are sticking out. Damn, she had this all planned out didn't she! You even have to stick your ass up in the uncomfortable position.
Eventually Lisa slides back onto the bed and lays down looking down her body as your restrained body. She can only see your upper half, breasts jutting forward as you hang there awkwardly. "Much better, slave." Lisa muses, then slowly lifts one foot up to press against your face making you turn away disgusted as she grabs a nasty looking switch. "Clean my feet, slave. Show me that you are going to be good and don't need to be punished anymore. Surely you learned from your first lesson." She says without a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
You move your head this way in that before screaming loudly as the switch finds one of your large busty pale breasts making you immediately sob. "Fuck!" You scream again as she switches your other breast just as hard leaving a cruel red line across both.
"Clean them, slave. I won't ask again. You don't start now and this switch is finding your breasts, ass, thighs, and everything else I can think of." She commands coldly, pressing her foot firmly against your face and mouth as she lays there in front of you.
How can she be so mean? You certainly don't like this bondage stuff and you've never been into feet! The fear of taking that switch across your sensitive breasts again finally stirs you into action however and you run your lips out to suck on her toes. You gag a little, but in truth they are impressively clean. It is more of a mental thing that makes you gag. You blush as you suck on her toes and run your tongue between them, sometimes sucking several at a time. She eventually shifts her foot to have you run your tongue up and down the soles of her feet making you gag softly a few times again. Then, when she is finally satisfied you give an annoyed pout as she simply shoves her other foot in your face to have you do it all over. Yet again you suck on her foot and clean the bottom with your tongue until she is satisfied.
When she is through she sits up and kneels on the bed next to you, lifting your head to look at her very stern expression. "What is your name?" She asks, keeping your view locked on hers.
You know the right answer, and you see the switch in her hands still... fuck. You better win the next card. "I'm your slave." You say, not a hint of joking in your voice.
"Good girl." Lisa says, finally smiling a bit again. She then leans down and takes your lips with her own to your surprise and the two of you start to make out slowly and passionately. As she takes your lips over and over she runs a hand forward to squeeze your large busty breasts obviously loving kneading them between her fingers. You gasp when she tugs on your hard nipples but just run your tongue back against hers blushing deeply and caught off guard. But as soon as it starts it finishes and Lisa pulls away with one last good squeeze of your other breast making you give a soft moan.
Lisa reaches over and grabs two more cards and shows them to you with a small smile on her lips. "Hope you don't choose well slave, I'm quite in the mood for breaking you in." She gives a mischievous grin then as you look between the cards. "Plus, I'd hate to let you go."
Which card do you pick?