Use the lesson plan, but with a few sexy edits

From Create Your Own Story

The lesson plan says that the pupils should write about the different organ systems of the body, so you decide to concentrate on your favourite. You write 'Draw a diagram of the reproductive system' on the board and the kids all get their books out and start working.

You wander around the class and look at what they are doing. Most of them have drawn proper anatomical diagrams, but you notice that three girls sitting at the back have all just drawn pictures of massive dicks in their books.

"Is this diagram correct sir, or is it too big?" says the blonde.

"Is this what penises look like in real life sir?" says the redhead.

"Are we doing any practical work today sir?" says the brunette.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The High School

MP 0
Level 1
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