
From Create Your Own Story

You stop him before he goes in to steal a third kiss.

“Woah, hey, slow up there sparky!” You put just enough edge in your voice to stop him in his tracks.

He blinks, confused. “But, we just…”

“But nothing, just take a chill pill. We need to figure out what to do next…” The hot guy takes a step back and walks off to stand a few feet away, looking dejected.

“Where do you think we are?” asks a young woman who is holding her belly, obviously pregnant.

“Looks like we’re in Kansas.”

“Are you sure we’re in Kansas?” asks the flight attendant. He walks just past you, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. You all follow his gaze.

In the distance, a large machine of some sort seems to be heading your way. It looks strange, almost alien to you, like something out of the Terminator movies.

“Maybe they saw the plane crash! Is that some sort of farm equipment?” asks a business woman in a grey pinstriped suit.

“None that I’ve ever seen. And I grew up on a farm,” responds a strapping young man in a Yankee’s baseball cap and tight t shirt.

“It’s coming towards us,” the hot guy says, forgetting for the moment his dejection. Sure enough, the mechanical monstrosity does look closer than it had been only moments before. It will be upon your small group of survivors soon.

“What do we do?” asks the pregnant woman.

You advise:

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