The team at the road block (Carlos RE3

From Create Your Own Story

You and your team, lead by Lt. Mikhail Victor, soon reach the blockade and soon realise the desparation of the situation. The entire main street is blocked by cars ranging from police cruisers and SWAT vans to compact cars and buses (which are used as stationary bunkers). Also, because of the shortage of ammunition, each man has the maximum of two ammo clips. You and the team position youreselves and lend any spare weapon or ammo you can afford to the police and then you can only wait for hell to break loose.

About an hour later, you hear the first moan of the undead horde and soon you can see them, an unstoppable horde of zombies staggering forward towards you. They soon reach the claymore you and your team had placed before and many of them fall but the ones who die are soon replaced with two more monsters. The snipers in your team fire and score headshot after headshot but they keep comming. Then they are in reach for your weapons and, at the exact same time, everyone fires into the undead horde.

To be continued (got to go sorry)

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