Tell the prince you've changed your mind about your punishment

From Create Your Own Story

The prince stops what he is doing and gestures to you to get onto your knees. You kneel for him, eyes cast downwards to show him the abjectness of your apology. "I'm sorry, master," you tell him. "I thought I could ... but it's just ... please, you may punish me-- you must punish me, but please, not like that."

"Very well," the prince says. "Let it not be said that I am unfeeling. You may choose again. Perhaps, on reflection, you will even decide that your first choice was in fact the best one." An evil smile curves the corners of his lips, and you can tell he's imagining exactly what he was about to do.

He brings the implements round to lay them directly in your line of vision: the thickly coiled whip, the cold metal chastity belt, and the monstrous butt plug.

This time you're going to accept:

Health Horny & Female Location:

Fairytale Castle

MP 0
Level 3
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